Josh didn't even know why he had come to New York with Lance this week. Joey and him would be busy doing all the promotion for the movie, and what is worse Lance would be showing his new "girl." Sure, he liked Laura. She had been around all of them before since she had been Lance's friend forever. Now things were different. Johnny had gotten worried when he and ended things with Bobbie, and now that both of them were single, he wanted that changed quick. Now Lance would walk into his movie premiere on the arm of his longtime friend and say she was his girlfriend.

The thought of Lance having to spend time with this girl to make it appear like they were together really hurt JC. Even seeing Lance kiss Emmanuel for the movie had hurt him, but Lance had said it was just for the film. He was only acting, and it was JC who he slept in bed with every night.

However, Laura was different. Laura had known Lance since he was the dorky little kid he had been when he had joined the group. She had been there for all those important moments in his life, and JC knew Lance was bi. Knew he liked some girls. What if he began to believe this whole little charade too much and developed real feelings for this girl. Where would he be then? Alone and heartbroken. He loved Lance with all of his heart. He had since the moment he had seen him walk into Lynn's house to audition for the group. Now if something happened and he lost that, JC didn't know what he would do.

At the sound of a knock on the door, JC looked up and called out for whoever was to come in. When he saw the familiar face of his boyfriend peak around the door, his smile grew even wider.

"Can I come in, Jayce?"

"Sure. Why not?" Josh watched as Lance walked into their room and sat on the bed. "Are you okay?"

Josh shrugged his shoulders. "I guess."

Lance sighed as he reached out his hand to touch JC's. "Josh, I'm really sorry. You know I wouldn't be doing this whole thing with Laura if it wasn't for Johnny hounding me."

Josh sighed as he entwined his fingers with Lance's. "I know, but it still doesn't mean I have to like it."

Lance looked down at the bedspread. "You don't think I hated seeing you with Bobbie all the time. You two were really convincing you know. Holding hands and always together."

"It just hurts you know. I don't want you kissing someone else. I don't want spending time with someone else. We get so little time to be together as a couple as it is with the fans always around. I just wish we could be like every other gay couple in the country and let others see how we really feel for each other." Josh knew he should tell Lance why he was really bothered by this so much. Lance would understand, but this was his night and he didn't want to ruin it for him.

"We can't, Josh. Not right now anyway. If we could, I would say let's do it, but it would be the death of us. Sure, some fans would be happy, but a lot won't."

JC lowerev his head to Lance's shoulder sighing once again. "You're right. Just don't like it."

Lance looked down at his watch. He hated leaving his lover right now. He knew he was upset, and he hated that he was the cause of that unhappiness, but this night was huge for him. "I need to go get ready for this Access Hollywood thing with the fan bus. I'll see you at the premiere later on."

Josh smiled. "Of course. Remember to save me a seat next to you."

Lance bent over and kissed Josh's lips softly. "You got it, babe. See ya later."

Josh waited until Lance had left the room to get ready in his own site next down before letting a single tear fall.