Over the next few days, JC and Justin didn't talk much to each other. If they were alone together in a room, Justin would leave it. JC wondered if Justin had told Lance that he knew about their affair. He probably had, but then again he might not have. Nothing changed in Lance's behavior toward him.


As the days passed, JC became more and more obsessed  with Lance. What could Justin give Lance that he himself couldn't? Justin was just a kid. Couldn't even drink yet. Lance and Justin were like night and day. What could serious business minded Lance see in Justin to make him stay with him since Europe?


JC watched the two from the shadows of the room they were rehearing in. They had just quit for the day. Joey and Chris had already left, and the two babies were talking in soft words as Justin packed up his duffle. He wanted to move closer to hear what they were saying, but if he did they would see him, so he stayed back.


From the look on Lance's face, he wasn't too happy with his golden boy, so JC leaned back against the wall with a satisfied smirk on his face. Maybe he wouldn't be as hard as he thought it would be to take Lance away from Justin.  He watched as Lance sighed wiping a towel across his brow as Justin picked up his bag, and left the room.


JC continued to watch as Lance practiced in the center of the room counting the beats off silently. JC spotted his bag at the other side of the room, and smiled knowing he now had his reason to make his presence known.  He walked into the room whistling under his breath, and went over to his bag.


Lance stopped dancing, and turned towards the older man.  "Hey, Jayce. I thought you left with everybody else."


JC bent over his bag moving things around in it, so that he looked busy. "No, I was just outside talking to Wade. " JC finally stood up. "You having trouble with a move or something?"


Lance looked towards the mirror, and did one of the counts in the dance their were trying to learn. "I can't seem to get that part. I thought Justin was going to stay and help, but he had this thing with Britney to do, so he couldn't."


"Those two are really meant to be together you know," JC said, as he made way towards Lance. "They've been basically attached the hip since MMC. I wouldn't be surprised if they got married someday soon." JC stopped behind the younger man looking up into the mirror to gauge Lance's reaction to his words. "Let me help you with that move. That way you can go home."


Lance nodded. "Yeah, that would be great. I'd appreciate it."


JC put his hands on Lance's waist, and moved closer. "Now just follow me, and you'll have it in no time at all."


After about ten minutes, Lance finally got the sequence down, and Lance once again wiped his brow with his towel. He walked over to his bag, and reached in for a bottled water. Taking a long drink, he sat down on the floor by his bag.


JC moved to sit next him drinking for his own bottle. "Do you ever wonder if you'll find what Justin and Britney have? They are just so happy and in love together aren't they?" When Lance kept silent, JC continued. "I want something like that someday. To be loved totally. I don't really care who it is, as long we both love each other, and make each other happy."


"Yeah, me either. Just in love and happy."


"I'm surprised you don't have someone, Lance. I mean you're just so great. Got looks, money, talent. What person wouldn't be lucky to have you?" Lance sat silent drinking his bottle of water. JC could see the wheels in his head turning. "We'll both find that someday, Lance." JC finished his water, and stood up. He lowered his hand, and Lance took it standing up. "I'm going to get going. See ya at practice tomorrow." JC picked up his bag, and quickly left the room still hearing the wheels turning in Lance's head.



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