The night that Lance had left his life had been more than six months ago. He had followed Justin's suggestion and laid low. He looked down at the bullet in his hand. A little reminder of what he had lost. He wondered what had happened to Lance that night. Where was Lance now? Was he still with Joe? Was he still sitting at that back booth next to Joe fearing that a wrong look or move would bring down Joe's wrath on him?

He glanced around his new place of employment. Another club. Another gig playing piano. He remembered that first night all those months ago when he had first seen Lance. Love at first sight had never been something he had believed in, but with Lance that is what it had been. Maybe Justin would be right someday. Maybe he and Lance had a chance.He stood up from the piano, and walked over to the bar.

The bartender smiled as he placed a glass in front of Josh. "Hey, man. Nice set."

"Thanks." He took a sip of water.  He glanced at the counter behind the bar something catching his eye.  "Is that today's paper?"

The bartender glanced behind him and lifted it. "No. It's from last week actually."

Josh nodded. "Can I see it?"

The bartender shrugged his shoulders, and placed the paper in front of Josh. Josh looked down, and let a small gasp escape. He began to read the story on the front page. The headline was huge, and no one could miss it. 'Reputed mobster arrested.' The story went on to tell about how Joe Fatone Jr. had been arrested for tax evasion and other like crimes .He looked at the picture of Joe being shoved into the police car. Lance nowhere in sight.  Nowhere in the article was he mentioned. He picked up the paper, and carried it back to the piano with him.

As he sat down to play, he let his mind drift. He wondered where Lance was. He wondered if he was safe. He wondered if Justin was looking out for him. He was pretty sure he was. He wondered if Justin had told Lance about him being alive. If he had given him the necklace? He stopped playing, as his hand reached up to his neck. Even after all these months, he felt weird without his pendant.

Shaking his head, he got up from the piano. He motioned to the bartender that he was taking a break, and he walked towards the back of the club. He reached the doors that led to the balcony and sighed remembering another night on another balcony. The night that had changed everything. He pushed open the balcony doors, and walked out. He took a deep breath before walking over to lean on the ledge.

Josh sighed as he heard the balcony doors open behind him. He wanted to turn around and tell whoever it was to go away. Leave him alone. Leave him with his memories. He listened with his eyes closed as the person walked over to the ledge.

So much for privacy. He swore if he opened his eyes and found a couple making out, he would scream. He kept expecting to hear someone say something, make a noice, or just do something. But there was nothing. He reached up and scratched the back of his neck suddenly nervous. What if Joe had found out he was alive? He let his fingers trail under the collar of his shirt as he pulled it away from his body.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps. He expected them to walk away and back inside the club, but instead they moved closer. When they stopped right next to him, he opened his eyes.The first thing he saw was a man's hand holding his pendant. It swung in front of his face, and he reached up and grabbed it.

He placed it around his neck, and glanced up. Seeing Lance he smiled. "I just saw the paper tonight."

"Let's not talk about Joe," Lance said as he leaned against the ledge. "Justin told me what he did the night Joe was arrested. He had gotten me new identification, and told me to run while I had the chance. I hated leaving him behind, but I had no choice. Then he gave me that, and I knew I had to go."

"You said you wanted this necklace someday. I just wish I had been the one to give it to you." He reached up and fingered the pendant lightly. "Someday I will give it to you again."

Lance looked over at Josh. "Yeah?"

Josh smiled. This man was different from the man he had known all those months ago. Something had changed. He moved closer, and kissed Lance softly. He leaned his head against Lance's as he sighed. "I have missed you so much, Lance. There hasn't been a moment in the last six months where I haven't thought of you."

"That day when I thought Justin had.... I died too. I thought you were gone. I changed with Joe. Didn't let him treat me so badly. Fought back a little. Then Justin told me you weren't dead..."

"I was worried about what he would do to you."

"He would never hurt me enough to kill me, Josh. I think he loved me a little too much to let me go, but now he has no choice. He is in jail, and most likely will be for a long time."

Josh wrapped his arms around Lance's waist, as he pulled him closer. "So where do we go from here?"

Lance laughed. "Anywhere you want." He turned towards Josh and kissed him letting his hand graze his cheek. "We've got tomorrow, remember?"
