Josh had it all. He had the fame, the money, the cars. He had everything he could  ever imagine wanting. Well, everything except the one thing that would make it all complete. Someone to love, and who loved him in return. Of course being who he was and what he was didn't make his search for love any easier. Being in the biggest band in the world and being gay just didn't mesh well together. Every man he met, he was worried about him going to the tabloids and telling the world he was gay before he was ready.

At least he wasn't alone. He had four great friends that were always their for him, and Lance was going through the same thing, cause yes Lance was also gay. Josh remembered the nights that he and Lance would talk about things. The nights at the clubs where Lance would point out guys to him hoping one would catch his friend's eye, but none never did.

What Josh didn't know is that his best friend was in love with him. Lance wanted to be the one to love him, but Josh was too blind see what was right in front of him.

This was another one of those nights out clubbing. They were all out drinking and dancing, everyone but Josh. He couldn't make himself go out on the dance floor with some random girl like the others did. He watched them all now, and he wanted to be like them. He wanted to be like Lance. His eyes caught Lance's, and Lance smiled briefly before his smiled turned into a frown. He whispered into the ear of the girl he was dancing and walked towards Josh.

"Hey, C, why the long face?" Lance asked leaning against the bar next to him.

"Nothing," Josh sighed.

Lance shook his head. "No, don't pull that with me. Tell me."

"It's just that I see all of you out there dancing. Having a good time, and laughing, and I want the do the same, but I know I can't have it. I just can't pick up some random girl like you all do, and be happy. I want someone for me you know."

Lance nodded. "I know, man. That person is out there. You will find him."

"Yeah, I know." Josh ordered another drink as Lance stepped away from the bar.

'If only Josh knew he could have that with me.'