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Tech. Docs

Languages & Vocabulary

My College

Guest Book

          Here I am remembering my parents , friends (esp. Imran), my room-mates (Pentagonites) who inspired me a lot.

           Opps.. I forgot to tell you...Please give me your valid suggestions for making this site an ideal one for me and for you. (Cause I am first time designing a site)
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Wanna Stuffs ?
Hi Friends, This is my dream page. For a long time I am thinking to convey ideas, thoughts, and knowledge that earned in the last 6 years of software development and  2 years of professional experience..

So I am here for you. with this....

Now I am presenting some Programming which consist of some optimization techniques in pure C.

Then Tech. Docs, which consist of my seminar topic in my college days. Here for now I am presenting you with some useful information about Firewalls.

Plus, Lang & Voc with several useful list of English wordlist and a mini French tutor.

Last but not least, some photo show of mine and my college mates of LBS College of Engineering.



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