St.Andrew Bobola
Born in 1591 in the district of Sandomira, Poland

Endowed with a sound and ready intelligence, he received at home, from his tenderest years, a
fine education and formation in Christian morality. He was later sent to the schools of the
Society of Jesus, where he was remarkable for innocence of life and piety.

Joined the novitiate at the age of 19
Ordained in 1622
A teacher at Vilna, Lithuania, taught the elements of Christian doctrine, and encouraged devotion to the Eucharist, and an ardent and filial-love of the Virgin Mother of God.

The Catholic Church, particularly in the countries to the East, was facing a crisis due to the schismatics. Andrew went into those regions and by public sermons and private instruction and most of all by the fervor of his exceptional holiness and the burning zeal of his apostolate, he freed the wavering faith of a multitude of Christians from beguiling falsehood, brought them back to sound principles, and joyfully invited all he could to return to the one fold of Jesus Christ.

On 16 May 1657, he was seized near Janovia by the Cossacks, enemies of the Catholics and killed as a martyr.

Beatified in 1853 by Pius IX

Canonized in 1938 by Pius XI