St.John Ogilvie
Born in 1579 at Drum, Keith, Scotland

Walter Ogilvie was a Scottish noble who raised his son John in the state religion of Scotland,
He converted to Catholicism at the age of 17 in Louvain, Belgium.
Joined the Jesuits soon after in 1597, and ordained in Paris in 1610.
Sent to work in Rouen, France.

He repeatedly requested assignment to Scotland.
Wholesale massacres of Catholics had taken place in Scotland, but by this point the hunters
concentrated on priests than those who attended Mass.
The Jesuits were determined to minister to the oppressed Catholic laity. When captured, they
were tortured for information, then hanged, drawn, and quartered.

Ogilvie's request was granted, and he returned to Scotland in November 1613.
He worked as an underground missionary in Edinburgh and Glasgow, dodging the Queen's priest-hunters, disguised as a soldier named Watson. After 11 months in the field, John was
betrayed, imprisoned, interrogated, then tortured for the names of active Catholics. He suffered
in silence.

He is the Church's only officially recorded Scottish martyr.

Died hanged on 10 March 1615 in Glasgow, Scotland

Canonized by Paul VI on October 17, 1976.