Forty Martyrs of England and Wales

St. Robert Southwell
Born at Horsham St. Faith's, Norfolk, England, in 1561
Sent to be educated at Douai

Joined the Jesuits in 1578
Ordained priest in 1584 at Rome, and became prefect of studies in the English College
Jesuit poet

After ordination left Rome for England with Henry Garnet. Both were almost arrested upon landing but escaped capture and went on to work with the Catholics in London.
Robert spent six years in zealous and successful missionary work and moved under various disguises traveling from one Catholic house to another.

He belongs to that band of Jesuit English martyrs during the persecution of Catholics from 1535 to 1681 who were determined not to abandon the Catholic laity, but to be with them, providing the consolation of the Eucharist.
Robert's father had conformed to the new Protestant religion.

Finally he was betrayed in 1592. Robert never gave any information about other priests
or Catholics, even though for three years he was interrogated under atrocious torture. He was
transferred to Newgate prison where he was confined in a dungeon swarming with vermin and
frequently chained in such a way that he could neither stand, sit nor lie down. His jailers were
exasperated at his answers.

Hanged at Tyburn, 21 February, 1595.