Oh come on, you didn't think you could just send in whatever the heck you want, did you?


Please, people, keep this PG-13, alright? Some swearing is ok, but no hentai/lemon/lime/etc.


We really really prefer humor (in case you haven't noticed already), but we can stand it if you like to add in some elements of other genres, such as angst, or romance (if you must). We really welcome adding action/adventure into it, but we're not all that great with plotlines, so PLEASE, add something easy to follow.

Just Plain Bad Writing

If you're going to send us a story, we won't accept it if it doesn't have some element of Slayers in it. You can add characters from other stories or characters of your own, but remember that this is a Slayers Interactive. Furthermore, the characters you add must have something to do with fantasy-we don't want Luke Skywalker walking around in the Slayers world (we MIGHT make exceptions if you REALLY want to, but be ready to suck up to us).
If someone writes something in a story you're adding on to, you can't pretend things haven't happened. For example, if someone says that the character is a girl in the story you're adding onto, you can't change it to be a guy, for any reason (and please remember that we prefer an unspecified gender).


Remember-other people will add onto the story (meaning NOT JUST YOU). If two people send us a continuation to the same story, we'll have to choose between them. There might also be other reasons we might choose not to put your story up, but if we do, we'll send you an email saying why.
WE'RE NOT ROBOTS. If you send us a story, it probably won't be up the very next day. We're busy too, so don't send us continuous email as to "Why haven't you posted my story yet?!?!". We'll get it up. Really, we will!
As far as HTML goes, if you know how to use HTML, than please save us A LOT of time and put it into HTML for us (especially since Elena hasn't learned HTML yet......). If you don't know HTML, that's alright, Saki'll do it...eventually (it might take longer for us to put up your story if it's not in HTML already, but trust us, alright?).
When you send in a story, you HAVE TO include the number of the story you're continuing, and what you're choosing to do. (We're not geniuses! We won't figure out what you're choosing to do if you don't help us!) If you don't, we won't put up you're story.