L&R Hartley, Publishers

Ways that we help you make (and save) money:

- We can provide and host a free internet web site promoting your book (See our Internet Services Website)

- We can supply you with free information booklets or weblinks on marketing and promoting your book

- We supply a free Letter of Introduction [pdf 171k] for you to send to major book distributors internationally

- We can supply a Book Launch Kit to help you launch your book. This kit contains the book "Right First Time – Making your Book Launch a Success", plus posters, order forms, invitations, table place cards, nametags, etc - everything you need to get your launch underway, all packaged in a handy plastic travel case. (Click HERE to download a fact sheet [pdf 120k])

- We can include your book in our catalogues, giving them international exposure

- We are often able to source funding and sponsors to provide subsidies for writers in the purchase of their books, videos or CDs. (See our page on Sponsorship and Subsidies)

- We are sometimes able to locate co-sponsors to provide subsidies for writers in the purchase of their promotional materials. (See our page on Sponsorship and Subsidies)

- Our production team design for marketability when we prepare your book, the cover and any promotional aids

- We simultaneously publish your book in at least two formats, which may include a paperback, a hard-bound library edition, a large-print edition, Video, audio, multimedia, electronic book or other electronic media such as used for PDA, BlackBerry, SmartPhone, PalmOs, Psion, Franklin eBookMan, Windows CE, Windows Mobile or Kindle).

- We may also be able to simultaneously publish your book in any of several languages if required, dramatically increasing its marketability - again without cost to you

- We can provide you with low-cost copies of your book for re-sale or for submitting to other publishing houses. We can even mail-order directly to your customers (Check this link)

- We can include a mail-order online ordering button (Author's Own Marketplace) on your website (Check this link)

- We do not exact a minimum number of copies which can be ordered at one time ('One' is, by necessity, the minimum number, and there is no maximum!)

- We can provide you with at-cost personalised promotional aids such as posters, promotional buttons, flyers, handbills, name badges, 'fridge magnets, business cards, bookmarks, door-hangars, book-signing stationery, letterhead paper, Christmas and other greeting cards, etc. and extra book covers for display purposes.

- We give you help with writing a press release by providing how-to information and a free interactive template

- We do not lock your copyright, which allows you to continue to use your manuscript as you choose. If you later want to have your manuscript published elsewhere, we will not prevent you from doing so

- We keep print-runs small to allow for further development of the book through minor changes in the text or layout without incurring a monetary penalty. This also means that if you are not happy with the layout or colour scheme, changes may be able to be made on-the-fly. In conventional printing the book would need to be reprinted, costing maybe thousands of dollars.

- We can issue free Reprint Licences if you wish to manufacture the product yourself.

Who pays for the publishing?

The limited copyright holding that is assigned to the Beta Publisher allows the publisher to re-coup the costs of publishing by sales of your book through their marketing arm (which may also include using other reader media such as those used for PDA, SmartPhone, PalmOs, Psion, Franklin eBookMan, Windows CE, Windows Mobile and/or Amazon's Kindle). In other words, we sell a limited number of copies ourselves to re-coup our costs. This not only helps you to receive a free service, but it forces us to go to extra lengths to make your book professional and marketable.

Yes, we are currently seeking manuscripts for publishing.

No, we don't charge for publishing.

Click on the underlined words to find out more...

We want your manuscript! [Publisher's Style Sheet] A Guide for writers, What we look for in a manuscript, How to submit a manuscript, Query letters (See also the important note on formatting)

[The New Oxford Style Guide] A comprehensive guide to grammar, syntax and style

[Beta Publishing] What is free beta publishing? How can it be free?

[Who are we?] L&R Hartley Publishers - Who we are and what we are all about

Questions first-time writers ask

All about ISBNs, ISSNs, SANs, Dewey Numbers, Cutter Codes, Work Numbers and Book Deposits (.pdf)

Can I submit my manuscript in Microsoft® WORD?

Can I include photos in my book?

Writing a Press Release - and downloading a free Press Release Interactive template

Link to a website of "Free Things on the Net" that we sponsor (This is an external link. Use your browser's <Back> facility to return to this page.)

[Writer's Showcase] A free promotion and distribution service by First Chance Publishing, London (This is an external link. Use your browser's <Back> facility to return to this page.)

[International Ebook Library] Free ebooks online (This is an external link. Use your browser's <Back> facility to return to this page.)

Contact L&R Hartley, Publishers


Barnes & Noble.com Bookstore

See also L&R Hartley: Multimedia Merchandising - Books, CDs, Courses, Etc. Thousands of products - Stores in Australia, Canada, USA and UK

©1996, Revised ©2007 Lionel Hartley, PhD, for L&R Hartley.