My Communion with God Journal
~Brenda McCann~
GET new online course & journal called EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING ! ! Click Here

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A Healing Clarification

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Prelude Journal Below

Exercise 1:

List the ten Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is Need exists

2. The Second Illusion is Failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is Disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is Insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion is Requirement exists

6. The Sixth Illusion is Judgment exists

7. The Seventh Illusion is Condemnation exists

8. The Eighth Illusion is Conditionality exists

9. The Ninth Illusion is Superiority exists

10. The Tenth Illusion is Ignorance exists

Exercise 2

What is your intension given what you understand this course to BE?


BE the right place at the right RHYTHM right NOW Doing this course!!

Exercise 3

MYMY INTENTION with regard to taking this course is:

  To make it work!

Exercise 4

What do you intend to be the outcome when you finish this course.

Answer: I have no intention for what the outcome will be.

Exercise 5

What do you intend to be the outcome of your life in the next one year?


W O W, I have no idea right now what outcome will be in one year either...

UPDATE: 11:11:06 OK this is NOW and BOY!! Did a lot happen since I did the workbook. To date: 1) I am co creator with my TWIN FLAME and owner of Lights of Love dot US - The website that carries our Earth Mission!!
BR>2) We have initiated and distributed the 1017 2006 UV WAVE Mission information and particip[ated in the 17 hours of co-creation with one million + lightworkers globally, GROUNDING the energies from The Great Central Sun into the core of the Earth's energy grid mother board.

3) We have initiated the Ho`oponopono & EFT Healing Combo Method!

4) We have initiated the Healing_Hoop Global Group and have 8 Volunteer Remote Healers and 24 Healing Requsters to date = 11:11:06.

Next 5 years

Answer: I imagine that I will be in a whole new life experience. UPDATE: 11:11:06 YES!!! IT IS A WHOLE NEW LIFE EXPERIENCE!!! Hear me now as I speak from the GOD I AM within me now: "YOU ARE THE SOURCE of your life experience." Every thought feeling and word you speak creates the world you see *OUT THERE* BE4 you. We are here on planet at this time to assist MOTHER EARTH in her ascension into the higher frequencies of life ITSELF in every atom of her being. That includes YOU you understand. WE ARE HERE NOW 4 THIS PURPOSE. If you are reading these words right now YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. Click here now, WE HAVE WORK TO DO!!! You will be joining the care2 Global Network and then joining the public firethegrid group hosted THERE, by Brenda McCann

Next 10 years

Answer: Same as the 5 year. I don't project into time
very well because I am not sure it is as we think
it is either. Time is a rhythm. So who knows,
maybe I will develop the skill to flit back and
forth into the past illusions and back to what
ever my best creation of the present is at that

Exercise 6

What do you intend to be the purpose for all of life on the planet
as you choose it to be and what do you intend to be the part you will
play in creating that outcome for the planet as a whole.

Answer: I just read it here. The purpose of life is
enjoying & appreciating it. The part I will play
in creating the above is by manifesting the
actual TRUTH/life to the best degree that I have
it unfolding.

Exercise 7

Have a little funeral for what has passed in your life to this
point, and then you can turn around and create the future,
realizing that there IS a future, that there is MORE LIFE.

Following the funeral enter any comments you wish here:


My mother's & father's karma/cultural patterns
carried in me are the first to go in light of the
10 illusions to which I would add, from my own
experience: 11. The illusion of power & 12. The
illusion fear. I am very pleased to allow a
future where Plenty exists, self worth/success
exists, Unity exists, Abundance is apparent and
exists, Freedom with innate responsibility &
respect exists, Acceptance exists, Appreciation &
a value for all species exists, The flow & rhythm
of the Cosmic ONE LOVE pulse/rhythm is conscious
in all humans upon the Earth, Brother/sisterhood
is basic, and everyone has everything they need to
be comfortable and productive 'down & functional'.


Need Journal


Exercise 1:

The next time you imagine that you need something, ask yourself, �Why do I think I need this?� This is a very liberating question. It is Freedom in Seven Words. Therefore, list items you currently or recently felt you had need for:

1. What I think I need: Like kind/minded companions to share with through our Earth bodies

Why do I think I need this? I thought it would be fun and mutual support to the World we imagine.

2. What I think I need: A world to live in that is not so life threatening

Why do I think I need this? Because I have had so many experiences of life being 'taken away' via war & killing and catastrophe.

3. What I think I need: Others who can appreciate the time I spend thrilling to the universe/enjoying

Why do I think I need this? They would be able to appreciate with me instead of being tired angry and critical

Exercise 2:

Using the Illusion that you need your body, decide what you are going to do to care for it, protect it and make sure it is not abused.

Record you decisions here: I am going to recognize the illusion of need and
why I have created it. I will figure out what it
means quickly, each time it crops up. And I will
re-create myself each time this happens, on the
spot. Though this may be difficult and painful
at first (which I chose NOT to create at this
time) I will soon get very good at it and I will
see all of experience in a different way which I
expect will
cause me to NOT cause so much stress
in my body. Stopping 'uncertainty' in all its
forms is JOB # 1.

Exercise 3:

Using the illusion that you need a relationship, whether it be a personal or an intimate relationship, decide what you are going to do to protect that relationship, care for it and to make sure it is not abused.

Record you commitments here: Well I did not know that I 'needed a
relationship'. What I chose was 'someone
to 'share life with' and that someone is strong
in his own 'self image' so I do not have to worry
about upsetting his apple cart with any of my
own 'changes' and I am right now adoring the LIFE
I will create for us to share! I am so utterly
deeply grateful for this information/online
course and deeply satisfied that it is so exactly
what I need to be and to be doing right now. My
soul cannot
exalt in this moment of thanksgiving
for it is deepening now ~ beyond all my
formerly 'present body of patterns'. A line from
my poem entitled: The Sacred Fire

"Below dreams of fear LOVE smolders here"


Failure Journal

Exercise 1:

List so-called failures you have experience in your life. Note positive out comes from these failures.

1. Failure Positive out come Father wanted me to get an abortion. I blew him
off and got married and had 2 babies (planned)
anyway = positive outcome: I dreamed them & named
them before they were conceived from age 5 to
15. They were meant to be here with me and they


2. Failure Positive out come Got a divorce after 2 years and 2 babies, father
disowned me = positive outcome: My Dad needed to
be on his own & so did I. It was a good clean
break. I knew I'd be OK & I got to experience
that successfully.


3. Failure Positive out come Married the wrong man again/2nd marriage. =
positive outcome: He was a
very good father image
which was good because my children's bio-dad was
a drug pusher at that time & I did NOT want him
or anything he stood for around us. Positive
outcome: I got to make a stand fro everything I
AM and I believed to good, true & ethical as a
demonstration to my children. I had my own
business so it didn't matter that I was not in
the 'right for me' marriage. Oh I forgot to tell
you, my Dad approved of this one and he was
wrong. LOL That's positive too actually.


4. Failure Positive out come Got a 2nd divorce after 13 years of marriage -
suffered greatly because this man terrorized
me/threatened me/frightened me to try to 'make me
stay with him'. = positive outcome: I had to
learn Martial Arts/KARATE - and in the process
met one of my soul mates. Had a
magnanimous 2
years learning to go out of my physical body and
into all the inner planes of our creations here
surrounding the Earth. Also 2 years after the
divorce my ex-husband came to cause me trouble
and I
goaded him into loosing his temper and
physically attacking me so I could pray not to
hurt him while I summoned the KI energy. It
actually came up inside of me and the harder the
ex squeezed me the harder the KI energy 'pushed
back' and I got to experience the 'he could NOT
hurt me'. I laughed so hard and was so happy
that it totally blew my ex's mind and he loosened
his grim. Then I elbowed him in the
sternum and
knocked him cold in a pile on the floor for 5
whole minutes. When he awoke all red in the face
he got up and looked me in the eye, saying, "You
should have done that a long time ago." I just
smiled and left and he has never bothered me

Exercise 2

Conduct a little funeral for the above failures (successes), for what has passed, and then you can turn around and create the future, realizing that there IS a future, that there is MORE LIFE.

Exercise 3

List the first two Illusions:

1. Illusion 1 - Need exists

2. Illusion 2 - Failure exists


Disunity Journal

Exercise 1:

List the first three Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is Need exists

2. The Second Illusion is Failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is Disunity exists

Exercise 2:

The next time you see another who appear separate from you, look at them deeply. Look into them. Do this for a long moment and see if you can capture their Essence.

Record you feelings here: Looking deep into myself because no
other person is here right now.
Listening to loop 3 I feel my soul
swell. And a spiritualization
as if a seed has dropped into the top
of my crown and fluttered all the way
down like a tiny snow flake upon the
waters of mine own consciousness. The
flutes play as I flutter down and
down. I am remembering the day I had
Ceremony with the Emperor of
Japan's wife's brother's wife. Her
eyes were coal black. I could see no
iris only the large pupil. She took me
down into a vast black interior that I
had never experienced before. The
female voices are singing. I feel a
deep deep saddness. "I didn't know
that she & I were ONE." Then she who
we were together took us to a grassy
knole on a hillside where the sky was
blue and there were no people. I could
NOT believe there were no people ~
such a vast and sunny space. I could
breathe without being crouded for the
first time & all my people watching us
could breathe too ~ and EVERYBODY
breathed with this big blond girl from
the United States. It felt so good to
us we laughed outloud and clapped. We
liked her hair too. It looked just
like ours only it was blond. We smiled
and admired the beauty of the cup we
both drank from. She complimented the
taste of it recounting how it felt to
free and sitting in the grasses on the
hills of Idaho. I thanked her for
sharing so much with us. It was hard
not to smile beu she seemed to know our
tradition so no one made any gesture.
We bowed.... One to another. But that
was then & now I can remember. We are
always one and have always been and
always will be. My heart is mended.

Exercise 3:

Take a walk in your local park or in another setting where there is nature present or where there is another aspect of life that appears separate from you. Look at them deeply, look into them for a long moment and see if you can capture their Essence.

Record you feelings here: Trees rustling in the breeze
say, "Hello! We are dancing with you."
I say, "From living sun to the roots of
trees, same source but different goes.
So why not? Bask and be eternal NOW
awake to see? The all of all we're
meant to be! Lo' what we make of our
own reality is key. When stopped are
the battles in our own creativity!
Then 'WE CAN' step back and BE the all
revealed as harmony. YES LIFE! YES
LIFE has ITS song.... so long....


Insufficiency Journal


Exercise 1:

List the first four Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is Need exists

2. The Second Illusion is Failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is Disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is Insufficiency exists

Exercise 2:

Look around you this week and the weeks ahead as you work on this course and if you:

See people who are hungry, feed them

Record your experience here: First let me say that I have not been very good
at this. I did have the feeling that people were
taking to much from me or that if I gave to them
they would then begin trying to 'take advantage'
of me or that they would end up hating me if they
became dependant upon me.

I have, however, NO proplem doing just this for
any animal that I come upon or who comes to me.

Exercise 3:

Look around you this week and the weeks ahead as you work on this course and if you:

See people who need clothing, cloth them

Record your experience here:

Exercise 4:

Look around you this week and the weeks ahead as you work on this course and if you:

See people who need shelter, give them shelter.

Record your experience here: Well, if I am to do this then I will have to
invite a family of 5 to come live in 'my house' &
I do not choose to do that. They are the epitomy
of the kind of 'losers' that I do not think
should have multiplied in the first place. They
were irresponsible all the way! Why should I
have to cover their ass?

Exercise 5:

See people who need company, give them you time. Visit a nursing home and provide company and comfort to a patient.

Record your experience here: Whew. I hate nursing homes.


Requirement Journal

Exercise 1:

List the first five Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is NEED exists

2. The Second Illusion is FAILURE exists

3. The Third Illusion is Disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is Insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion Requirement exists

Exercise 2:

At this point in time is your state of beingness:

Yes or No If, no what are you going to do about it?

1. Happy yes

2. Loving yes @ 75%

3. Gracious yes @ could improve

4. Kind yes @100%

5. Caring yes @ 100%

6. Compassionate yes except when I am affraid

7. Passionate yes but not about sex

8. Generous yes @ 100% except when I'm brok or fatigued

9. Sharing yes @ same as generous

Exercise 3:

List requirements of others you are currently following and then describe what you will do to that will enhance your soul. Don�t be afraid! Listen to your heart!

Requirement: we have to pay income taxes

My commitment to change: no clue

Requirement: I have to work to make money

My commitment to change: not a clue

Requirement: I have to drive the speed limit or I get a ticket

My commitment to change: don't speed

Requirement: When in Rome be as the Romans or they don't like you

My commitment to change: be my self even if being so seems to upset others
somehow... Back to re-doing the first grade
lessons/socializations. LOL


Judgment Journal

Exercise 1:

List the first six Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is need exists

2. The Second Illusion is failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion is requirements exist

6. The Sixth Illusion is judgement exists

Exercise 2:

Recall a time when you were judgmental of another

� Record that judgment I determined that the neighbors were
the best examples of loosers I'd ever

� Record your understanding of that judgment now God does NOT judge anyone and I should
respect that they are how they are
given their model of the world and
appreciated how they are as they are
when I think of them.

Exercise 3:

Recall a time when someone judged you

Record that judgment Rock judged that I was up to no good
when I used my angel words and what I
said did not make sense to her.

Record your understanding of that judgment now She interpreted me based on her
experience of the world as it
interacted with her and somehow my
baring and language use triggered an
alarm in her memory bank.


Condemnation Journal

Exercise 1:

List the eight Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is need exists

2. The Second Illusion is failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion is requirement exists

6. The Sixth Illusion is judgement

7. The Seventh Illusion is condemnation exists

Exercise 2:

Re-visit a situation in your life where you have been condemned by a person or circumstance that you feel damaged you in some way. Then recognizing the truth you have learned from this lesson, bless the situation or person who you feel damaged you. Your forgiveness will allow you to heal virtually any psychological, emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical, wounds that you imagine have been inflicted upon you. For you can literally forgive your way to health and/or happiness.

1. Your situation: 8,000 years ago Quan Yin devotee gang raped by 8
barbarian Mongols sent by their mothers & their
women to rape pillage & plunder the elite of that
time which I was one of..."How dare they Live!"

Complete the following:

a. I am choosing to forgive I forgive the soul of Mike McCann who was leader of that pack 8,000 years ago, or maybe he was just first in line. for being the lead raper & killer I want to forgive them because I want to forgive all 8 of them now because I just realized that I ONLY HELD THE LEADER responsible for all their acts.

b. Express your feelings about the suffering you have been caused: Well that was then and this is now 'Baby I have
come a long W A Y!' I just want to say that I
now consider it a miracle that I have gotten the
full and complete lesson of my last 8,000 year of
genocidal combat doing both sides of retrobution
for the above acts of tresspass upon my divine
being here in Earth. Now it makes sense. The
lesson itself has been born at last!! Born at

c. Acknowledge, verbally if appropriate, that even though you felt at the time you were not getting what you wanted, the meaning of this situation is the meaning you give it, and you co-created this situation with The meaning of the above rape & pillage is many fold: 1st it taught me NOT to 'worship' anything or any one ever again because it did NOT protect you. After all was that NOT the purpose of ones religious practice? (<' 2nd it taught me my own versions of chronic retrobution/genocidal tactics. 3rd it kept me from dieing of old age and or diseases which would have been VERY BORING for an advent-urer like me! LOL! 3rd. it rendered me totally bored with killing and being killed so I could actually 'move on' and not be distracted by any more re-do's of THAT cause & effect/KARMA. I co-created that above rape & pillage experience to bring our actual eteral beingness to light in MY self here & now. So you see killing anyone for anything is totally futile. It does NOT WORK to bring about whatever one's illusionary pet effect was desired. 4th I co-created this with Mike McCann because I believed in this lifetime 'he owed me' and I came to collect. die laughing. I have collected. we are complete. we are free to be and to deside who we are now and what we want the rest of this lifetime to become! YEE HAW! so you could re-create yourself anew in the grandest version of the grandest vision you ever held about who you are.

e. Now, express the verbally the three statements of ultimate truth:

1. Nothing in my world is real.

2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.

3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.

f. In the days and weeks ahead return to this exercise and record any events that may occur from this exercise.

Note 1: The black starlings who used to make an
irritating quacking sound en-mass in my trees are
now singing in a higher pitched gurgeling 'Close
Encounters of the 3rd kind' tune that sounds like
angel music to my ears. I have never hear this
sound while here on Earth before ~ except a
deeper electronic version of it and in slow
motion sound during the movie Close Encounters of
the 3rd Kind.

Note 2: I feel as light as air itself. I have had no
trouble what so ever in NOT doing my usual
retalliation responses to my sense of being
disrespected or slighted in some way ((as usual))
by my current life partner, Michael James McCann.

Note 3: I feel I have completed a full circle starting in
the first memory I have of 'killing another' as a
tribal matriarchal 'provider=leader'/elite one in
a time when we were a group mind and to make a
clear cut decision @ 100% instantly became the
decision, the feeling, and the motivation of the
whole tribe. In that time free-loaders were not
allowed to multiply and since we did NOT KNOW
that we could have castrated male free-loaders we
simply cut their throats so that their genetic
contribution would not jeprodize the survival of
the tribe throughout our future. We were the
first causasians. We were tall, lean, smart,
efficient,blond & blue eyed.

2. Your situation:

Complete the following:

a. I am choosing to forgive for I want to forgive them because

b. Express your feelings about the suffering you have been caused:

c. Acknowledge, verbally if appropriate, that even though you felt at the time you were not getting what you wanted, the meaning of this situation is the meaning you give it, and you co-created this situation with so you could re-create yourself anew in the grandest version of the grandest vision you ever held about who you are.

e. Now, express the verbally the three statements of ultimate truth:

4. Nothing in my world is real.

5. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.

6. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.

f. In the days and weeks ahead return to this exercise and record any events that may occur from this exercise.

Note 1:

Note 2:

Note 3:

3. Your situation:

Complete the following:

a. I am choosing to forgive for I want to forgive them because

b. Express your feelings about the suffering you have been caused:

c. Acknowledge, verbally if appropriate, that even though you felt at the time you were not getting what you wanted, the meaning of this situation is the meaning you give it, and you co-created this situation with so you could re-create yourself anew in the grandest version of the grandest vision you ever held about who you are.

e. Now, express the verbally the three statements of ultimate truth:

7. Nothing in my world is real.

8. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.

9. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.

f. In the days and weeks ahead return to this exercise and record any events that may occur from this exercise.

Note 1:

Note 2:

Note 3:


Conditionality Journal

Exercise 1:

List the ten Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is need exists

2. The Second Illusion is failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion is requirement exists

6. The Sixth Illusion is judgement exists

7. The Seventh Illusion is condemnation exists

8. The Eighth Illusion is conditionality exists

Exercise 2:

Imagine conditions in your life, good and bad, below. These could include: you job, you wealth, lack of wealth, handicap, your relationship(s) or lack thereof, etc..

Condition 1: My seeming lack of indipendant/usable financial income volume

Condition 2: My inability to create a goods or service that the world wants now so I can produce an abundant amount of net profits now.

Condition 3: Other than the above I have created everything I need at the base of life here and now for my self, me children, and all my animals - one day at a time.

Condition 4: My greatest character asset: the ability to keep on keeping on - even if it is wrong - to burn through to what it is I most importnatly WANT - ot to where I am going, in this case to actual wisdom use = MASTERY in my here and now as part of this collective critical-mass!

Condition 5: My ability to focus @ 100%

Condition 6: My ability to receive instruction now, and the change that it causes in my ever evolving illusions/contributions to the collective critical mass here in and of Earth's consciousness!

Now make a statement about each condition: (refer to text in lesson for ideas)

Condition 1: What I have gleaned from my temporary apparent lack of Net Financial Independant Abundance is: 1. I asked for WISDOM USE MASTERY 30 years ago and it is my primary directive superceeding any of the financial fluff.

Condition 2: I really could not accept that I have lost the ability to create a joyful abundant cash flow from which I can keep 20% or more.

Condition 3: I am very thankful that I did set it up to have this point in the time of my life here and now as 'cared for' or, 'professional dependant' as I call it ~ but I grow wiery of this version and I AM DUE for a major UPDATE!

Condition 4: Well it is true that I did NOT start with #4's asset in this life. I was very fearful and had to learn to walk through it - but this is better now since learning the condemnation illusion and how to use it! MUCH BETTER NOW!

Condition 5: Yep. I was born with this. Since Day ONE here and now. Thanks God who I really am and thanks to all the other lives in which I have developed this skill of attending/attention on one thing/one choice at a time!

Condition 6: Now this is a new one for me. If it is the 'right for me' instruction I see that I have no problem 'receiving it @ 100%' and this CwG course is much like agreeing with GOD as I go along. I LOVE THIS!

Now detail how you will use each of the conditions above to re-create yourself anew, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision of who you are.

Condition 1: I will put this down at the bottom of my above priorities list. And I will hide and watch what transpires as I proceed in this course and continue to re-do all my preferred illusions!

Condition 2: I can't resist receiving this #2 right now. It is on my plate. I can see it hear it taste it. It is WHO I am + a foreman to run things for me and a full time bookkeeper to keep track. I am off the hook because there is no condition I 'have to be'!

Condition 3: First thing I will do with #3 is disolve it. It will probably be replaced with this growing expanding joy that I keep on feeling now!

Condition 4: This I will KEEP coupled with my angel guidance so that I will ceace & desist from 'barking up the wrong trees/directions/illusions!'

Condition 5: This I will keep with no adjustments to date. It is not a problem.

Condition 6: This too I will keep[ as is for now.


Superiority Journal

Exercise 1:

List the first nine Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is

2. The Second Illusion is

3. The Third Illusion is

4. The Fourth Illusion is

5. The Fifth Illusion is

6. The Sixth Illusion is

7. The Seventh Illusion is

8. The Eighth Illusion is

9. The Ninth Illusion is


Ignorance Journal

Exercise 1:

List the ten Illusions:

1. The First Illusion is need exists

2. The Second Illusion is failure exists

3. The Third Illusion is disunity exists

4. The Fourth Illusion is insufficiency exists

5. The Fifth Illusion is requirement exists

6. The Sixth Illusion is judgement exists

7. The Seventh Illusion is condemnation exists

8. The Eighth Illusion is conditionality exists

9. The Ninth Illusion is superiority exists

10. The Tenth Illusion is ignorance exists

Exercise 2:

List the 10 Truths

1. God needs nothing

2. God cannot fail and neither can I

3. Nothing is separate fro anything else.

4. There is enough

5. There is nothing I have to do

6. I will never be judged

7. I will never be condemned


9. A thing cannot be superior to ITSELF.

10. I already have all of this as my inate eternal being & probably it is in my dna because I sure took to this like a duck to water and a babt gator running for the water's edge!


Control of the Body & Emotions Journal


Control of the Body

Exercise 1. Do you exercise daily? If the answer is no, indicate what steps you will take to exercise daily. Steps I will take: Yes! I have an appitite for stretching and no impact exercise but just lately I have added 16" step ups with 4lb weights in each hand to strengthen my upper body. It really paid off because for a month of winter now I have been carring feed to 20 heifer calves and 6 horses in different pastures each day. my chores take be about 1 mile/day usually without weights. LOL I am thrilled to be more mobile now than ever have been since puberty!

Exercise 2. Do you eat properly? If the answer is no, indicate what steps you will take to correct this. Steps I will take: I could eat better. I must be changing because less and less of the kinds of foods I have on hand are appealing to me now. I am really hungry for a different quality of food. STEP 1. Find the quality that I my body is hungry for!

Exercise 3. When is the last time you had a physical examination by a physician? Answer Late summer 2002 Is it time for another examine? If yes, indicate when you will call to make an appointment summer 2003

Control of your Emotions

Exercise 1: Set aside some time and examine your emotional responses to current and prior exterior circumstances of your physical life. Decide how you will respond to these circumstances in the future realizing that emotions are experiences that are chosen not experienced.

Circumstance Prior emotional response Future emotional response

1. I was 'run-under' by a close associate for a contract job I was working a bid up on | Before CwG course I would have raised hell and left no prisoners! As it was I felt terribly let down but chose not to do the damage in retalliation | In the future I may not even choose to be let down because because...Oh yea. "I don't believe in competition any more!' Die laughing!!! I really had to w o r k to pull that one out of the hat. God this is fun!

2. Felling worried that I don't at this moment have 'enough' $ in my checking account to cover the bills I know are coming at the 15th of the month. | sick to my stomach, shallow breathing, fear, saddness, de-motion!! Oh yea probably feel unsuccessful with this thought too. | Hell, nothing I see is real. I get to use the illusion of NOT ENOUGH to experience - well let me go check my notes right now: I EWILL remember that I AM the stuff of LIFE! And I can remember to step outside the insufficiency and then FILL the insufficiency. I realize that I have not yet done this. I can do this! It is much easier than suffering from old illusion that i don't want as my experience any more!

3. Do number 2a. - 2b & 2c again | Every time I feel 'worry about lack of $ in my checking account now' because of how I want a $2,000 coushion...each month I | WILL feel joyous. Yes Joyous because it is my QUE to work the illusion of insufficiency. God! I feel better already! I predict that i am actually going to feel glad that I had insufficiency going so I could learn this!

4. Hmmmm. a prior circumstance that de-motion was active. OK. When I fist saw the RV park that my husband purchased in Clarkston, WA. It looked like it was inhabited by loosers. It's unkempt appearance was seconded by my de-motion energy upon it. | definate de-motion energy | I could see things like that as differing life styles based on the resident's world view. Mine is not better it is just my preferance based on the world view that I choose to BE HAVE & DO.

5. I see my husband 3 times a week and it seems like he is always frowning and acting angry "AT" me. I am always asking him why he is angry and that usually makes him even more angry! | I feel hurt and attacked by his energy. It is a downer and I resent him for BEING THAT WAY & I wonder WHY AT ME??? | OK - this is fun - I CAN decide ahead of time how I will respond to the above 'circumstance'. First of all just knowing that is a relief! I am not subject to his de-motional energy. Simple as that. I choose to love toward him and appreciate him and OK I will choose to not need any good attention from him. OK I choose to NOT NEED HIM AT ALL. that's it isn't it: The illusion of need. but you see I think he needs me too much. JOKE HERE. I am angry at him for being angry at me because he needs me too much.

6. I can decide to LOVE toward all other humans unconditionally ~ but when I am not feeling love for them I feel I am 'failing'. What I am doing is 'trying' to generate love toward all others but don't really feel it. This is insufficiency again. | I run out of energy and feel 'they' take too much. interesting. I am frightened of too many needy people. I have an instinct to 'ward them off' to insure me and mine's survival. | I choose to decide to BE LOVE knowing our REAL existance here and work the illusion #4 insufficiency exists, again and again. I can choose to BE the triad process knowing there is NOT FAILURE!


Creating Yourself Anew Journal


Exercise 1: List a number of things that have happened to you in the last 3-6 months that you felt were of some significance to you.

1. Happening The neighbors now having any money for food, heat, & rent.

a. At the time why did you think this happened to you? Because I am the rent manager responsible for collecting their rent payments

b. Now choose or decide why this happened to you and record your decision here: It was a 2 or 3 fold exercise/opportunity to experience my painfully intense degree of compassion, my degree of patience, and my seeming lack of unconditional love toware 'all' human beings. Also got to experience my fear of uncontrolled emotions in others close around me.

2. Happening I felt a total call to action in some form of leadership

a. At the time why did you think this happened to you? I had come to the end of chasing dreams and goals and longed deep within for real guidance in a correct for my soul's destiny direction!

b. Now choose or decide why this happened to you and record your decision here: I was being moved toward all these new contacts with Humanity's Team and the Art of Spiritual Peace Making online course!

3. Happening I am being left alone 5 days out of 7 each week as my husband is working out of town.

a. At the time why did you think this happened to you? I thought it was so I would meet my self coming and going with no one else to blame for anything. And a chance to totally 'rest' so that i can dream for guidance and focus on what is important to my soul's mission on Earth

b. Now choose or decide why this happened to you and record your decision here: (<' I needed all this undistracted time to do these books and work the online courses and get totally steeped in each step necessary for my Tru`Self to B~E Here & Now!

Exercise 2: List the three statements of ultimate truth

1. There is not one way only, but many ways Home. There are a thousand paths to God, and every one will get you there. Indeed, all paths lead to God. This is because there is no other place to go.

2. There is no one else in the room. There is only ONE of US.

3. There is no such thing as Superiority. I have made it all up!

Exercise 3: List the Triad Process

1. Recognise the illusion for what it is/causes me to feel

2. decide what it means to me ~ How I am defining myself

3. re-create my self anew

Exercise 4: Having come to the end of the Communion with God course review the questions and answers for exercises 2 through 6 in the Prelude Journal section that you answered at the beginning of this course. Decide where you are at and how you will move forward on your road to Mastery. What is your purpose now? What do you say? Record your commitments to this process below.


1. Where I am at is taking the Art of Spiritual Peace Making 33 part course.

2. How I will move forward on my road to Mastery is ~ by Being The Peace of God that I am learning how to do in the above course and my 100% desire & decision to move into the portal and be the only service there is here and now or me to BE.

3. My purpose now is to complete this above stated work to the very best of my ability, knowing that there is nothing to change and all I need to BE HAVE and DO is 'who I Tru`ly AM here and now 100% of the time.

4. This is what i say. It's my illusion and it is what I say it is.