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           All fresh  Engineers welcome to

     If you think you are well qualified and the only thing is you couldn't reach the right company read on... 
     Technology has been advancing at an incredible pace and as organizations worldwide struggle to keep pace with this change, there has been an enormous demand for fresh recruitment thrown up that has far exceeded it's supply. To leverage this opportunity effectively and take up the challenge of an exciting global software career, we, the work force behind are laying a bridge for you to the enormous opportunities out there.

The present Scenario...
     Lack of co-ordination of out coming fresh engineers and the potential industrial needs is ending up in an unmannered and incomplete recruitment.

What we do...
     So we bring together all fresh engineers, others and the best employers under one roof. We are a co-ordinated data bank of fresh engineers, being maintained and updated constantly for the industry's requirement. 

    All the registered users will automatically be subscribed to the global e-groups meant for freshers where you become a member of a nation wide career community where you can contribute and be benefited from the resources of the community. Also we will be getting you all the opportunities to your desktop through this group mail.

     Further we also provide helpful career tips like higher studies and guidance, career planning, interview tips, how to build a catching resume, sample question papers, jobs section and the most important news section.

So now you get set to go global.



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7 Commandments for Campus Interview: