Well I got the Nova all set for the Road, got it registered and inspected and after a WEEK of driving it on the road happily I took a ride on a Saturday morning to get gas, I was all pumped and excited about driving my car legally. On the way home from the gas station, no more than 2 miles from my house a loud clicking started which quickly turned into a loud tapping, to a loud clunking to a very loud banging and POW! the motor blew, instantly I could smell antifreeze and knew it was major. I drifted to the side of the road and waved to the mustang I just passed and stared at the motor for a while knowing that this sucks and the motor is toast and contemplating the next step. So I decided to turn the motor over first to see if it would spin, yes. So I said fuck it and decided to drive it the 1 mile home, so I started it up with a huge cloud of white smoke and a loud banging and drove the sucker home. When I got there I removed the head and here is what I found. The valve was hitting the piston ever so slightly and fatiqued the stem enough to break and... well... there you go.....I cracked the block in the #7 cylinder and cracked the head and really messed up the piston as you can see.....
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While disassembling the motor I realized that 10 years ago when I was dragging the car I was experimenting with the cam timing and left the cam 4 degrees retarded. This in turn closed the piston to valve clearance to practically nothing which is the cause of my demise. I don't recommend messing with cam timing for obvious reasons but also because when I did it and then took it down the track it did not improve my et's at all. I discovered that it is more beneficial for motors spinning over 7000rpm and mine shifted at 6500 so no wonder.....