This is my former husband and myself in better days.
We were married in July of 1973.
We seperated in January of 1999 and ended our marriage in 2000.
We are not angry with each other.......we have simply grown beyond each other in different directions.
We have different interests and goals in life and are no longer happy together.
Staying together unhappily, benefits no one and only breeds resentment.
We don't want that...............
Our children are naturally disappointed but are beginning to accept our decision. It was a very hard road for them especially the two younger girls. I hope one day they will be able to understand the reasons for our choice.
We have MANY happy memories and SOME very sad ones that will always be with us. That's is a series of moments, sad complemented by happy. All moments should be treasured and mine are and forever will be.
We will always share the children and hopefully grandchildren someday.
Our love for them will never change simply because of our choice to move on with our own lives seperately.
I am grateful for the many good years and look forward to many more before my time on earth is through.
This song...You'll Never Walk sometimes all that keeps me going and helps me to realize that there are better days ahead if I just keep moving.
When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up high.
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm is a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
walk on through the rain,
Tho your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never be alone.
You'll never ever, be alone.
Left photo - Catherine and Laura taken October 1977.

Right photo - Karoline and Angela taken spring 1987
Far right photo Catherine and Laura taken spring 1978
Family photo taken December 1984
Left to right
Mom holding Karoline, Laura, David, Catherine, Dad
Family photo taken February 1984.
Front row left to right
David, Karoline, Mom.
Back row left to right
Laura, Catherine, Dad.
Children photo taken October 1987.
Top to bottom
Catherine, Laura, David, Karoline, and Angela