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Chat Rules:
Please no Cussing, this is a rated "G" chat for everyone of all ages and if abused I can just take away the chat.

Also, I concentrate on the safty of others. To keep safe here are soem things to do.

"Lie, Lie, Lie"
Yes, lie. Never give out your real name, expecially your last name. Also never give out your city, home address, or phone number. Even if you think you know someone online really well, you never quite know. If you don't want to lie then just tell them you'd rather not say, wot wot!
I don't mind someone asking ASL (Age, Sex, Location) but any other information should be kept private. If anyone ever tries to talk you into giving them this information tell Dawnwake.
Another thing to suggest is you can just use your Redwall Character name. If someone asks you "asl" you may reply
"8 seasons/male/Redwall Abbey, wot!"
or something like that.
And don't let anyone trick you into meeting you. Don't even try it.
Remember, if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable report it to Dawnwake at