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  TOW Monica Gets a New Roommate
  • - In this episode Monica and Rachel's apartment number is 4 and Chandler and Joey's apartment number is 5 but now Monica and Rachel's apartment number is 20 and Joey and Chandler's is 19.
  • - Also in this episode when Rachel calls Barry and leaves a message on his answering machine she says "I know that some girl is going to be incredibly lucky to become Mrs. Barry Finkel..." but in several other episodes (ex: TOW The Flashback) it is mentioned that Barry's last name is Farber.


  TOW All the Thanksgivings
  • - Chandler says that he was twelve years old when his parents told him they were getting divorced, it goes to a flashback of Thanksgiving of 1978. If he was twelve in 1978 he would be 30 in 1996. On that episode, it was Chandler's freshman year of college when it was Rachel's senior year of high school. But Rachel supposedly turned 30 in a 2001 episode; she should have been 30 in about 1997.
  • - Also, in this episode Rachel meets Chandler for the first time, but in TOW Monica Gets a New Roommate/Pilot she acts like she has never met Chandler before.


  TOW They All Turn Thirty
  • - It has been mentioned (or at least implied) in many episodes that Joey is the youngest of the friends. However, in this episode Joey is shown turning 30 first.
  • - When Rachel gets up on her birthday she says "I am still 29 in Guam". That is incorrect since Guam lies to the west from the International Date Line. It's 10 ahead from London time and 15 hours ahead from Eastern (NYC) Time. Thus, if it's 7 a.m. Eastern, it is 2200 (10 p.m.) in Guam on the same day.


  TOW the Flashback
  • - In this episode Joey tells Chandler that's he's okay with "the gay thing." Later on, Joey claims he never thought Chandler was gay when he first met him.


  TOW Ross Dates a Student
  • - When Joey walks into Monica's apartment you can actually see the microphone above his head.


  TOW the Birth
  • - I don't know if you'd actually call this a 'goof,' but in this episode the nurse assisting Carol is actually the character we later meet, Estelle Leonard, Joey's agent.


  TOW the Butt
  • - When you see Joey acting as Al Pacino's butt double (he's supposedly 'naked in this scene'), but if you look closely at his shadow in the shower you can see a silhouette what looks to be shorts or a bathing suit.


  TOW Phoebe Hates PBS
  • - Pheebs says that she sent PBS a letter when she was little, but by the time they sent her back a key ring she was living on the streets so she didn't need it. If she got the key ring when she was living on the streets how did she actually receive it? You can't sent mail to just a street, so PBS must have mailed it to the address she was living at when she sent them a letter, but she wasn't living there anymore. How did she get it? Sara has a good point: maybe Phoebe had a post office box?


  TOW the Boobies
  • - When Joey's mom is talking to him she says "I know you did, cookie." Well, Joey's mom calls Joey 'Cookie,' but Joey has a sister named Cookie. My guess is that the writers obviously forgot that one of Joey's sister's names was Cookie, or Joey's mom just called him that because it sounds like something a mom would call her child.


  TOW the Princess Leia Fantasy
  • - When Ross and Rachel are talking about how Rachel told Phoebe about Ross's fantasy, Ross is eating a candy bar. Look closely: he bites it and then a second later the bar isn't even bitten.


  TOW Monica's Boots
  • - Dina who is pregnant and wants some what-to-do advice. However, much earlier (TOW Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister) we see all seven Tribbiani sisters and all of them are significantly older than Dina would be at that time. Not to mention that Marla Sokoloff, who plays Dina in the Season 8, is not in TOW Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister.


  TOW Chandler Takes a Bath
  • - In the wider shots of Chandler in the bath tub reveal that there are NO WATER PIPES hooked up to the faucet. How does he fill the tub?


  TOW the Routine
  • - All throughout TOW The Routine, Monica & Chandler have Christmas decorations up in their apartment, and at the very end of the episode, Joey and Janine kiss. Well, at the beginning of the next episode, Joey comes into Monica and Chandler's apartment to tell everyone that he just kissed her a minute ago, like it was sort of continued from the last episode. Well, now there are no X-Mas decorations in Monica and Chandler's apartment. And Christmas in the last episode hadn't even happened yet.


  TOW No One Proposes
  • - The nurse leaves after Rachel is breastfeeding and closes the door. A few seconds later the door is open again.
  • - Near to the end, when Ross and & Rachel almost reconcile, before Ross mentioned about the proposal, If you look at Rachel's hair, you will noticed her hair was behind her back. When the camerca turned away and turned back, her was was in front of her.


  TOW Ross Dates a Student
  • - In TOW Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs we find out that Ross doesn't like ice cream, but in The One Where Ross Dates a Student, Ross is eating ice cream while walking with Elizabeth.


  TOW Joey's Girlfriend
  • - In the episode TOW Joey's Girlfriend, Gunther ask Rachel when her birthday is and then says he is making a list of people's birthdays. Ross then says his birthday is "December..." (he gets cut off while talking). But in TOW Emma Cries, while Joey is filling the patient form of Ross, he says that his birthday is October 18th.


  TOW Ross's Sandwich
  • - In TOW Ross' Sandwich, Chandler and Monica are planning to videotape themselves having sex. They were sitting on a rug with a bunch of pillows around them when they heard someone (Joey) walking towards the room. Chandler and Monica ran to the Chandler's room, kicking some of the pillows in the process. The next shot shows Joey looking in the room but the pillows are not in disarray. The next shot then shows the pillows in disarray again!


  TOW Emma Cries
  • - Throughout this episode Joey claims that he doesn't know when to use the physical express "" (look at the picture). In one of the earlier episodes, TOW Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E, right after the opening credits, Joey says: "I'm up for the part of Mac Machivelli, or "Mac," but when he says "Mac" he does this express correctly. Joey also does this same thing in TOW Rachel's Date when Ross asks him where is this "actor taking them?" and Joey says "hey I'm an "actor" too."



The One Without The Ski Trip

  • - Chandler says his parents got divorced when he was 9, but in an earlier episode he tells Janice they divorced when he was 11.


  The One With The Invitations
  • - On the wedding invitation that Ross sends Rachel, the envelope is addressed to "Rachel Greene."


  The One With The Secret Closet
  • - Phoebe is nervous about giving Monica a massage, but in episode 159 (The One Where Rosita Dies), Phoebe mentions that Monica and Ross were her only massage clients since the beginning of the year
  • - In this episode, it says that no one has ever seen inside the closet but in "The One With the Routine," when Phoebe and Rachel are looking for their Christmas presents, Rachel goes into the closet and there is nothing wrong with it!


  TOW No one's ready
  • - When they are listening to Richards message chandler is not wearing a tie but in the next scene when they are figuring out whose voice was on the other message he suddendly has a tie


  TOW The Morning After
  • - In the final scenes when Ross and Rachel are breaking up, you can see (barely thought) that that are shots with Rachel's hair looking differently, althought she hasn't moved it. It's at the scene when whe's saying "I think you should go now" 'till they break up.


  TOW Mr heckles dies
  • - After joey and chandler have been talking in mr hackles appartment, as chandler leaves he says "see you matt" but it sounds so much like "man" that they kept it in. listen out for it you my have to go through it a couple of time but he does say it. Just after joey starts questioning his speach.


  TOW Five Steaks and an Eggplant
  • - At the end, Joey was supposed to jump to the phone and say "Bob here!", but he missed the phone and fell. The blooper was so good so the producers decided to keep it there.


  TOW Chandler Can't Cries
  • - Everyone's watching "Bambi" and Phoebe says, "I cried for three days with that one. But on the 3rd day, my Mom killed herself, so I was partly crying for that," or something to that effect. But in "TOW Old Yeller Dies," from a few seasons ago, the whole episode was built around the fact that Phoebe's Mom used to turn off sad movies before the sad parts, so Phoebe had never seen anything sad in a movie. So why would Phoebe have ever seen "Bambi"??



TOW Phoebe's Dad + TOW Joey's Bag

  • - Phoebe tells the gang that he left before she was born, but then in TOW Joey's Bag, Phoebe's dad explains how he was a bad father and how he burned the formula, put her daipers on backwards and always made her cry.