My Dear Agape` Friend
It's Time for Us to Grow Again
We have been Intimate
Friends for so very long
Thousands of sunrises
And sunsets... close
Friends for even longer

Where once our friendship
Was bonded by passion
Love of each other's
Now our welding is due
To care... family... concern
Tenderness... understanding
Comfortable familiarity
It is a peaceful time
A time of calm
A mellowness that will
Hopefully continue... until
There is no more time

I accept this stage of our
Intimate Friendship... and
Still enjoy the sunrises
But I'm not naïve...
I know that within each of
Us... there remains a
Buried cistern of desire
Now bottled by the weight
Of thousands of sunrises
And sunsets...
And our own foolishness

We are all here but a few
Decades... such a short
Time to learn how one
Could live and love...

The ancient Greeks were
Wise folks... they had
Centuries and centuries
And centuries to learn...
They explained how
People could make rules
To govern
Instead of living in the
Tyranny of edicts
Imposed by others

Another wisdom was the
Ability to understand the
Duel nature of long term
Intimate relationships...
Agape` and Eros

Agape' - the love of

Eros - the love of
The ancients knew that
With long togetherness
Like us two friends...
The two natures would
Eventually separate
From just one person...
To More Than One

And when it did...

They knew that the Agape'
Could grow even stronger
And the Eros would once
Again be rekindled and
Bring more love to all...
They knew this

I know and feel this as well
And it is likely you also know
And feel this

can make our own
Rules about our own lives
After all... we have cared for
One another for thousands
Of sunrises and sunsets...
Let us help one another
To once again add Eros
To our daily lives
By adding Intimate Others

We do not have to live
In the tyranny of
To live... we each need
Aliveness in our days

And maybe in our own
We will grow our Agape`
Relationship... and if
Fortunate and pleasant
Add others... with Others

And maybe in our own
We will re-birth the Eros
In our lives with Others
And each Other

We have been Intimate
Friends for so very long
Thousands of sunrises
And sunsets... close
Friends for even longer

Where once our friendship
Was bonded by passion
... and then by care and
Concern and family...
Let it now...
Be bonded by
own wisdom

It can be a peaceful time
And a time of stimulation
A time of calm
And a time of excitement
There can be a time of
Mellowness for
all... that
Will hopefully continue
Until there is no more time

Only our own foolishness
Can cause us to accept the
Edict of today's convention
That one cannot be
Intimate Friends w
More Than One
Excerpted from
The Little Red Book of Drivel
Soul Rot and Other Tales of
     Insane Relationships in the
     3rd Millennium