Forward from the Editor
The Little Red Book of Drivel is a small collection of challenging and often provocative thoughts about Relationships between Adults. There are lots of feelings involved - both sad and optimistic. There are lots and lots of questions about today's current dominent Forms of Relationships... and each Form's related assumptions, sexual perspectives and practices.

Some of the questions may be fearful to many because the ideas challenge their status quo Form of Relationship and related mind-sets and behaviors. Some individuals would welcome continued pain or lifelessness before considering the idea of

People who are deeply imbedded in the dominant culture, and hence highly resistant to change, may label the collection trash... scandalous... perhaps even sacrilegious ( even if they're
not currently happy and fulfilled with their own life).

Other folks who have lived in one (or more) of the Three currently dominant Forms of Adult Relationships...
Coupling, Promiscuity, or Hermitage... and found them lacking in providing significant on-going happiness and joy, may from their memories, relate and empathize to the cameos.. or be reminded of old pain and sorrow.

If you're a member of the latter experienced group, the point is... your thoughts and feelings (even if only to yourself)... may not be as crazy as you think they are.  There are lots of folks out there having similar thoughts and feelings (sometimes only late at night lying quietly in bed, trying to sort out 'what's happened' to their life - what the future holds for them - and their children).

Individual's lives are short and fragile.  Kids lives are longer but even more fragile. There are lots of kids who are not living in environments that are happy and loving.  There are millions more living in Single Parent Headed Households... many of whom are in, or at the edge of, economic and/or emotional poverty due to the failed relationships of their parents.

Little Red Book of Drivel is intended for today's Adults who are capable and interested in stepping back with an open mind, and critically examining their cultural assumptions and imperatives... for themselves...and for their children. 

And so perhaps in the end, the real purpose of this little collection is for
Tomorrow's Adults... teenagers and young children... and the Forms of Relationship choices they may have in years to come that could provide more happiness and fulfilling lives... and more stability to family units.

Kelly Graham
Excerpted from
The Little Red Book of Drivel
Soul Rot and Other Tales of
     Insane Relationships in the
     3rd Millennium