The Erotica
The lights were strobing
The moonlight bright
The dew wet on your feet
Surrounded by glistening
Naked Body-parts
It was a voyeur's vision
Come to life

Erotica in the flesh

The music was loud
The rhythms pleasing
There were well over
A hundred at least
Many dancing with
Friends or lovers

It was almost hypnotic
Watching the Body-parts
Move in unison to the
Beat of the drummer...
A synchronization of
And some danced to their
Own drummer
And the partner didn't
Seem to care

t was a voyeur's vision
Come to life

The sum total of all
Previous erotica
The books... the videos
The magazines
This was not fantasy
This was real !
You could reach out and
Touch the people

There were breasts and
Scrotums and waists
And penises and legs
And butts
And each Body-part
Was different
Some were round
Some pointed
Some larger or smaller
Shaved or hairy
Skinny or obese
Some were young
Some old
Lots in the middle

The naked Body-parts
Were laughing... talking
Drinking beer
Going to the rest rooms

It was like any Saturday
Night dance at the Lodge
Or church or country club
Except no one wore any
ALL the Body
Parts could glisten

It was the land of the
Au Naturals... there
Were few tan lines
Some were regulars
Others new comers
Some of the new comers
Came to seek erotica
The mysteries of '
sexy '
The unknown-untried
The imaginations of
Fantasy and lust

And it seemed that many
Of the erotica seekers
Were disappointed
mostly in themselves
Imagination was not here
Reality was here
Just normal people were
Here... laughing... talking
Dancing... sitting... having
A nice time or bored like
People everywhere

Some of the erotica seekers
Left early... confusion on their
Faces... a lament for
Something lost in their mind
They seemed surprised
That after all these years
They had discovered that the
Excitement... the desire
not in the Body-parts
That the real excitement
And stimulation came from
Minds... and the laughs
And the attitudes and the
Smiles... from the
soul of
A single unique person

For erotica seekers this was
A hard change to bear
perhaps better to deny

But a few of the new comers
Remained... to study and
Try and understand this
Change in expectations
In their mind

And perhaps some finally
Perceived...actually saw
The potential for enduring
Love...desire... affection
Based on a
Not just naked Body-parts
And their touching

Erotica or Eros...

Short term titillation or
Long term togetherness...
Always confusing

Perhaps Especially
To Ourselves
Excerpted from
The Little Red Book of Drivel
Soul Rot and Other Tales of
     Insane Relationships in the
     3rd Millennium