Friday Knights

Victory Celebration

Who else but JOEY deserved to receive the Championship Trophy! Stellar job JOEY


To the Left, Coach Lewis holds the championship trophy while Gary does a #1 in his helmet bag.

Guess where Scotty Bowman was when the Knights were celebrating? Apparently, there is nothing better to do in Yellowstone than call every Knight on game day to remind the of the starting time of the game and then call into the victory celebration at the Ortel's! We hope Dupont doesn't mind that phone bill.


Is Marty actually Smiling??

Maybe he's laughing at the Birdcage on the trophy!


The celebration begins at the Ortel house!


A couple of cold brews is an appropriate reward for a job well done!


Krause and Dharte, the leaders of the long shift line. As a tribute to Coach Bowman, Gerry wore his Yellowstone National Park shirt. Maybe Scotty will let him play with someone besides John next year!


Ouch ! That's what happens when you dive in front of a slap shot you BIG MORON.

Way to take one for the team even though we all know JOEY would have saved it anyway.

Glen Boice and his wife are having a great time!


Mike and Lenny both played great all year. Toast to victory!


Pete's Dad and his crazy friend Al who came all the way from California to watch the Knights take on the Icemen. California must be pretty dull for him to do that.


To the left are John and his wife who is an unofficial member of the team. John's son is not here, but he is our referee during the pre-season scrimmages.

She saved us $10 per game by being the scorekeeper which did not make that old S.O.B. very happy a few times.


Even though Brian didn't play in the game, he managed to get kicked out. Brian managed to behave himself well enough that he was NOT kicked out of the victory celebration. Obviously, his wife Lynn has not been able to civilize him at all.


PJ is glad the hockey season is over so he can go back to a tame game like golf. Get some grown up clubs PJ and you will do better!

Dean's Mom and Dad were at the game cheering loudly. Deans Dad was the official videographer. The tape will travel with the Trophy this summer.


Gary gives JOEY a well deserved hug and kiss

Mike and Tommy toast to Victory


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The celebration continues . . . . . .

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