Have you heard "The Story of the Hynpnotic Writing Monkey"?
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YOU DON'T REALIZE IT YET, but in the next few minutes, you're going to learn how you can turn yourself into an online business professional. By the time you finish reading this short page, you will be two steps closer to running an even more successful business.

Cool, huh?

If you're like me, you got online one day and decided to start a business, but that's about the ONLY solid thing you knew . . . unless you also knew - as I did - that you didn't know anything about how to run an online business!

Perhaps you've been jumping from one program to the next, like grasshoppers on the Kansas prairie.

Have you realized yet that you need to know how to get out of the jump-a-thon and into a SYSTEM that keeps you FOCUSED?

"Yes!!! But if ONLY somebody would SHOW ME HOW!"

Hey! I've been there, too.

Guess what?! There IS somebody to SHOW YOU THE WAY. There are plenty of somebodies! Here's a fact for you: they're eager to answer all your questions about whatever it is you want to know, whether you're already a professional or just getting started.

But let me confess something.

Sometimes you need to be willing to invest in yourself to get where you want to be. I'm talking about being committed . . .
     -to your goals
     -to spending consistent time on your business
     -to being open to learning (whether you think you need all the help you can get or whether you've been at this a while)
     -to following a DMO (Daily Method of Operation)
     -to enrolling in the training you need to succeed.

Now, I say that to say this: I can tell you more about some great training sites, but you have to be willing to invest in yourself. If you're interested, let me know below so we can get started!

To your success!

Crystal Miller

PS - I will also send you "The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey" when you ask for more information on the training.
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