Magnum's surgery is a week away from today.  I'm a little nervous about it but I really don't see any alternatives. 

One of the girls on the orthodogs list just put her dog to sleep due to TPLO complications.  When she is feeling up to it, her story may be posted on Laurie's TPLO page.  Another person on the list is having similar problems with her dog, a Great Dane.  Everyone on the list was heartbroken when we heard about Cobra being put to sleep.  She and her owner tried so hard but no surgery is without risk. 

There are also many dogs who come through this procedure just fine and that is what I have to think about in order to get through this.   Mangum's surgery will be on Good Friday, which is also Friday the 13th.  Good thing I'm not superstitious.  :-)  I know that my God is bigger than any number or any other power under Heaven and He is always in control.

We are still putting the cone on Magnum at night as his stitches are getting itchy.  It was recommended to me, today, to put Neosporin on his stitches to help relieve the itching and help him heal.   I thought that was a very good idea.  I'm going to use the cone, too though, so I don't wake up to any surprises in the morning.  The last thing I need to wake up to is blood all over the house because he scratched his stitches out.

He looks pretty pitiful with his cone on but he takes it very well.  He just lays down and goes to sleep.  He doesn't fuss when we struggle to get it on him either.   He's a pretty good guy.

Monica brought him a bone last week for his recovery period.  Since he didn't have the surgery yet, I put the bone up in a basket in the dining room.  He knew it was up there and was sniffing at it and put his paw up on the bottom basket.  I told Erica she better take it to another room before he pulled all the baskets down on his head!  He has to wait another week to get that bone.

He hasn't eaten any pies the past couple of days or bird seed.   He's been pretty good.   I don't think he's managed to sneak anything as we are watching him pretty closely because of the stitches.  He still sits next to us at the table and lays his nose in our elbow looking *extremely* pitiful as only a Labbie can.  :)
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