This is little dog #2 a.k.a. Pepper.  Pepper is an 13 yr old Papillion.  We have had him since he was about 3 months old.  Here you see him fiercely guarding the couch.
Here is Pepper working hard to keep the house safe.
I recently found out that Pepper has an enlarged heart and congestive heart failure.  He also has a tumor on his side.  He probably does not have a lot longer to live.  He is taking Lasix which I get from our local pharmacy.  The only way I can give it from the pharmacy is in liquid form as they don't have pills in a low enough dose.  So, I give him a little chicken broth with his medicine and he thinks it's just great. 

The vet's guess for a prognosis was 6 mos to a year.  It's been about six months and he's still hangin' in there.