Casey, about 8 years old.
My Son Quentin, just about 4 1/2 years old. They always look so
innocent when they are asleep, don't they.
(above) Why they call me Frobiz. Taken in  about 1990, in my college days..
(right) What I look like today, so far, the missing  hair is by choice, mostly.  This way I don't get frustrated with my son and pull it out.
(below) Some of my artwork. Done on
notebook paper with colored pencil.
My Sister, Shawna and my
son again. 
(Left) My Parents, Oran and  Carol. Taken about 5 years ago.
My Mountain Olympus, where I create most of the stuff that goes into my world, when my son isn't playing Thomas the Tank Engine
A little bit about me. I'm a 33 year old, divorce male, living with my son in Des Moines Iowa. But let's go back a little further.
   I grew up in a small town in Southern Iowa. I discovered Dungeons and Dragons in high school and have been hooked every since.  I fled to college as soon as possible, and pretty much made a mess of it. 5 years later I realized I was wasting a whole lot of money, and had no idea what I was doing. So, I decided to get a job and take some time off. Still working, still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and now helping my son figure out the same, but I'll come to that.
    The next 10 years went pretty fast. Met a woman, became friends, became more, got married, had kid, got divorced while friends was still and option...that pretty much brings me up today.
    I still play Dungeons and Dragons regularly, ?I have a "go ahead, bring along your kid" group that meets about every Sunday afternoon. In my spare time, for the last....12 years....I've been creating my own campaign setting. You'll see links to the very small part of it that I have online, on this page somewhere. Feel free to fire off any feedback on anything you see here......Friends and Family, you know which email to use. Everyone else, use with the subject: About your website, or something to the effect, until you get listed as friend.
Niles, about 6 years old.
Lilly, about 3 years old.
Do you have a kid of your own? If you do, then you will identify with this page. If you don't and are thinking about it, check it out and see what you have in store for you. Just click on the link below. Just like parenting, it's a work in progress.
About the Creator
(below) Mom and Dad a couple of weeks ago. Remember Dad, I love you
(below) My car. Thanks Sis. 2004 Chevy Aveo
(Above) My Sister Shawna Again
Good Friends Gallery
Mark Guy
Jason Holmes
Marc Ray
More coming as I get them. If you see your pic here and don't like it, then get me a better one.  :)
Jason Holmes
Kim and Rick McNelis
Dave and Kim Buck