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The Living Wood: Frogs

Though my name is Katherine, I am known to some as Frog no Miko. What does this odd title mean, you ask? Well, as anyone who's seen or heard of "Fushigi Yuugi" can tell you, a Miko is a kind of priestess. So that means I'm the Priestess of Frogs!

Why would anyone declare themselves to be the Priestess of Frogs, you ask? Well, for many years now I have admired these amphibians for many reasons. Their images adorn many things around me; I own many items emblazoned with their likeness. And my obsession can only grow in years to come.

This page is dedicated to frogs of all kinds. When I have time to update it (I'll have to MAKE time, for the sake of all frogs!) you'll find some information about the greatest amphibians in the world, as well as pictures gathered from the far reaches of the Internet, and my attempts to explain why I have devoted my life to frogs.

  • Frog picture gallery - not up yet
  • Frog information - not up yet
  • Why I love frogs - not up yet

Mister Frog says, "Have a nice day!"

The Living Wood

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