<bgsound src="eyes.mid" loop=true>

November 4, 2005: Updates and Such

welcome to v.e.r.d.a.n.t. paradise

I'm sorry for not updating AT ALL for what seems like the last year or so. How many times now have I posted "sorry for not updating" posts? Anyways, now that I have DSL, which is both a blessing and a curse, I can go online a bit more efficiently. I won't make any promises this time about trying to update at least once a week since I'll have it in my head to do so, but when it comes time to actually going to the Geocities File Manager and manually editing all the HTML, it can seem a bit daunting. We'll see how it goes. I'll just be telling (or forcing) all you lovely peoplies to come here every so often to see my updates. ^^

My original plan was to turn this website into a picture gallery, but now that I have a Photobucket account, I don't think that's necessary. Until I find a focus, this website will once again just be a collection of randomness and ramblings. And there's nothing wrong with that, right?

Yay for innovation and dreams.

:: Posted by Kat

web counter

Gaze upon the all knowing hit counter and its hit counter glory.

If you're as amazing as I know you are, then you'll sign my guestbook! *presses thumbs together*