2000-2001 WLFB Schedule

WEEK 1  (Oct. 31st-Nov. 2nd)
Alabama 201
Tennessee 78

Empire State 141
Amazon 102

Pittsburgh 113
Detroit 80

New Orleans 118
Mexico City  81

Quebec 122
Toronto 53

Durham 116
Chapel Hill 147

Alaska 97
Rocky Mountain 98

Fort Collins 146
Las Vegas 108

Compton 132
Denver  117

Pocatello  64
Seattle  130

WEEK 3 (Nov. 6th- 12th)
Toronto 89
Alabama 212

Detroit 106
New Orleans 116

Empire State 114
Pittsburgh 87

Mexico City 98
Quebec  137

Amazon  90
Tennessee 72

Chapel Hill 162
Pocatello  91

Las Vegas  133
Rocky Mountain 143

Denver 104
Fort Collins 126

Seattle 160
Compton 111

Durham 103
Alaska 129

WEEK 5 (Nov. 20th-23rd)
Mexico City at Alabama
Amazon at Toronto
Tennessee at Providence
Quebec at Empire State
Pittsburgh at New Orleans
Compton at Chapel Hill
Rocky Mountain at Seattle
Las Vegas at Denver
Fort Collins at Durham
Pocatello at Alaska

WEEK 7 (Nov.27th-Dec. 3rd)
Alabama at Providence
Empire State at New Orleans
Toronto at Pittsburgh
Tennessee  at Mexico City
Quebec at Amazon
Seattle at Chapel Hill
Durham at Rocky Mountain
Alaska at Las Vegas
Pocatello at Denver
Compton at Fort Collins

WEEK 9 (Dec. 11th-14th)
Alabama at Quebec
Tennessee at Empire State
Pittsburgh at Amazon
Toronto at New Orleans
Mexico City at Providence
Chapel Hill at Denver
Rocky Mountain at Fort Collins
Las Vegas at Seattle
Compton at Alaska
Pocatello at Durham

WEEK 11 (Dec. 18th- 24th)


Pittsburgh at Alabama
Empire State at Mexico City
New Orleans at Amazon
Quebec at Tennessee
Toronto at Proviidence
Las Vegas at Chapel Hill
Rocky Mountain at Compton
Denver at Alaska
Seattle at Durham
Pocatello at Fort Collins

WEEK 13 (Jan. 1st -7th 2001)
Due to the New Years, lineup's will be accepted as late as 5:00 PM CDT on the 2nd.)

Alabama at Pittsburgh
Mexico City at Empire State
Amazon at New Orleans
Tennessee at Quebec
Providence at Toronto
Fort Collins at Pocatello
Durham at Seattle
Alaska at Denver
Compton at Rocky Mountain
Chapel Hill at Las Vegas

WEEK 15 (Jan. 15th- 21st)

Quebec at Alabama
Empire State at Tennessee
Amazon at Pittsburgh
New Orleans at Tennessee
Providence at Mexico City
Pocatello at Compton
Fort Collins at Alaska
Seattle at Denver
Las Vegas at Durham
Rocky Mountain at Chapel Hill

WEEK 17 (Jan. 26th-28th)
Providence  at Alabama
New Orleans at Empire State
Pittsburgh at Toronto
Mexico City at Tennessee
Amazon at Quebec
Durham at Compton
Alaska at Seattle
Pocatello at Las Vegas
Denver at Rocky Mountain
Chapel Hill at Fort Collins

WEEK 19 (Feb. 5th-8th)
Alabama at Mexico City
Toronto at Amazon
Providence at Tennessee
Empire State at Quebec
New Orleans at Pittsburgh
Alaska at Durham
Compton at Seattle
Fort Collins at Denver
Rocky Mountain at Las Vegas
Pocatello at Chapel Hill

WEEK 21 (Feb. 19th-25th)

Empire State at Alabama
Mexico City at Toronto
Amazon at Providence
Pittsburgh at Tennessee
Quebec at New Orleans
Alaska at Pocatello
Durham at Fort Collins
Denver at Las Vegas
Seattle at Rocky Mountain
Chapel Hill at Compton
(Cut to 12-Man roster following WEEK 21 play)


WEEK 2 (Nov. 3rd - 5th)
Alabama 210
Empire State 146

Toronto 77
Mexico City 101

Detroit 118
Amazon 78

Tennessee 140
Pittsburgh 92

New Orleans 159
Quebec 134

Chapel Hill 153
Rocky Mountain 124

Durham 147
Las Vegas 133

Denver 111
Seattle 146

Alaska 131
Fort Collins 107

Compton 131
Pocatello 100

WEEK 4(Nov. 13th- 19th)
Alabama at Seattle
Chapel Hill at Quebec
Rocky Mountain at Detroit
Empire State at Fort Collins
Las Vegas at Amazon
Pittsburgh at Alaska
Denver at Toronto
New Orleans at Pocatello
Compton at Tennessee
Mexico City at Durham

WEEK 6 (Nov. 24th-26th)
New Orleans at Alabama
Empire State at Providence
Quebec at Pittsburgh
Mexico City at Amazon
Tennessee at Toronto
Fort Collins at Chapel Hill
Rocky Mountain at Denver
Las Vegas at Pocatello
Seattle at Alaska
Compton at Durham
(Waiver Wire Opens on the Wednesday of WEEK 7. Order is based on records thru WEEK 6 play)

WEEK 8 (Dec. 4th-10th)
Fort Collins at Alabama
Providence at Chapel Hill
Seattle at Empire State
Quebec at Rocky Mountain
Toronto at Las Vegas
Pocatello at Pittsburgh
Amazon at Compton
Alaska at Mexico City
Tennessee at Denver
Durham at New Orleans

WEEK 10 (Dec. 15th-17th)
Alabama at Chapel Hill
Empire State at Rocky Mountain
Pittsburgh at Las Vegas
New Orleans at Denver
Seattle at Quebec
Fort Collins at Providence
Compton at Mexico City
Pocatello at Toronto
Tennessee at Alaska
Amazon at Durham
(Trading window opens following completion of WEEK 10 play)

WEEK 12 (Dec. 25th-Dec. 31st)
Due to Christmas, line-ups will be accepted as late as 5:00 PM CDT on the 26th.

Rocky Mountain at Alabama
Chapel Hill at Empire State
Las Vegas at New Orleans
Denver at Pittsburgh
Quebec at Fort Collins
Providence at Seattle
Mexico City at Pocatello
Toronto at Compton
Alaska at Amazon
Durham at Tennessee

WEEK 14 (Jan. 8th-14th)

Alabama at Las Vegas
Empire State at Denver
New Orleans at  Rocky Mountain
Pittsburgh at Chapel Hill
Seattle  at Mexico City
Fort Collins at Toronto
Compton at Quebec
Pocatello at Providence
Amazon at Alaska
Tennessee at Durham

WEEK 16 (Jan.22nd-25th)
Toronto at Tennessee
Amazon at Mexico City
Pittsburgh at Quebec
Providence at Empire State
Alabama at New Orleans
Fort Collins at Compton
Denver at Pocatello
Las Vegas at Alaska
Rocky Mountain at Durham
Chapel Hill at Seattle

WEEK 18 (Jan 29th-Feb. 4th)
Denver at Alabama
Las Vegas at Empire State
Rocky Mountain at Pittsburgh
Chapel Hill at New Orleans
Toronto at Seattle
Mexico City at Fort Collins
Providence at Compton
Pocatello at Quebec
Durham at Amazon
Alaska at Tennessee
(Waiver Wire closes following play on WEEK 18)

WEEK 20 (Feb 12th-18th)

Alabama at Toronto
New Orleans at Providence
Pittsburgh at Empire State
Quebec at Mexico City
Tennessee at Amazon
Denver at Chapel Hill
Fort Collins at Rocky Mountain
Seattle at Las Vegas
Alaska at Compton
Durham at Pocatello
(Trading window closes following play on WEEK 20)

WEEK 22 (Feb. 26th-Mar. 4th)
Amazon at Alabama
Toronto at Empire State
Mexico City at Pittsburgh
Tennessee at New Orleans
Providence at Quebec
Chapel Hill at Alaska
Rocky Mountain at Pocatello
Las Vegas at Compton
Denver at Durham
Seattle at Fort Collins
End of Regular Season


March 5th-11th: 1st Round Action
(at Toronto and Alaska)

March 12th-18th:
Conf. Semi's
                          1st Round Losers Bracket

March 19th-25th:
Conf.  Finals
                          Losers Cross Bracket

March 26th-April 1st:

Game 1 of the WLFB FINALS
(at Lower Seeds Site - Home Court in Effect)

Game 1 of the WLFB 3rd Place Game
(at Lower Seeds Site - Home Court in Effect)

Loser's Bracket Semi Finals

April 2nd-8th:

Game 2 of the WLFB FINALS and 3rd Place Game (at Higher Seeds Site)

4th Place Final

April 9th-16th:

Game 3 (If Needed) of the WLFB Finals and 3rd Place Game (at Game 2 Site)