Integumentary System
Body membrane
Function of the Skin
Layers of the Skin
Specialized Structures of Skin
Skin Color
Skin in Stress
Skin Disorders
Integumentary Terms:
Integument = Outer Covering
Epidermis = the outlayer of skin that encloses to the body in a continous sheet.
Dermis = Inner layer of skin beneath epidermis
Keratin = a protein substance, forms human hair, bird feathers, human fingernail, dead cells
Melanin = determine the color
Hair Follicle = structure that produces hairs.
Sweat gland = produces sweat.
Sebacious gland = secrete oil.
Inflammatory Response = A reaction when White Blood Cells engulf foreign substances or particles, causing temperature rises in the infected area.
Carcinogen = a cancer
Carcinoma = a malignant tumor that grows in tissues.
Matastasis = spreading of cancer cell.
Tumor = Clump of cancer cells
Benign Tumor = unspreading tumor
Malignant = spreading of cancer cells.
Interesting Facts about Skin:
- Just only a square inch of skin, there are about 645 sweat glands, 77 feet of nerves and over 1000 nerve endings, 65 hair follicles, 75 sebaceous glands, and 19 feet of blood vessels.
- Skin loses about 1.5 pounds each year. By age of 70, skin will be shed about 105 pounds.
- There are 32 million bacteria on every square inch of human body.
- People lose about 45 hair every day, therefore over a life time each individual can lose more that 1.5 million hairs
- About one quarter of water is excreted in sweat every day.
More Information About the integumentary System
More Information About the integumentary System