The picture to the right is some of my peeps from da "O" at Oceanside High's Winter Formal: Kamau, Mary, ?, and Renell.
Da peeps to da right is 2Down and JuneBug at a graduation party.
2 da right: Laiga, LilOne, and me at one of my homiez pad swiggin up.
Below: Raskal and Lil One.
Below: Raskal, Me, Renell, Lil One at a party.
2 The Right: Lil One and my USO.
From L to R is: Dopey, Spree, RAT, and Me kickin on da block swiggin up on a koo azz day with nuttin better to do then to drink.
Whoever deez peeps are from Samoa Chat
KILE from Samoa Chat
Below: Jessyka from Samoa Chat
Below: "alofa" from Samoa Chat
Below: Teinemack69
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