aka. The Grim Reaper, aka. Zombie 9
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Eastman, or Middle Age Mutant Ninja Eastman ?
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To tell you the truth, I was pretty dissapointed with this the first time I saw it. After hearing that the premise was a crazed George Eastman wandering around a Greek island killing, and eventually eating his own guts, I naturally expected a lot out of this. Still, after watching it months later for the second time, It's a little better than I remembered....though only a little. The movie starts out with a German couple frollicking on the beach of a small Greek island. An interesting effect here
is that they are actually speaking German , so we have no idea what they're saying. The girl swims out towards a small boat off-shore , and her boyfreind is sunbaking with ridiculously huge seventies headphones on. What unfolds next is kind of like Jaws meets Humanoids from the Deep. For some unknown reason, George Eastman is hiding underwater off-shore, having gone crazy and eaten his wife and child. He kills the girl, and dispatches the boyfreind with a meat cleaver.
We then cut to a month later. Tisa Farrow ( Zombie Flesh Eaters) , the blonde out of Cannibal Ferrox, and their freinds are on a boat bound for the same island. On board we see an overlong tarot card reading sequence that leads absolutely nowhere, and serves only to bore you to tears. They finally arrive to find that George has eaten his way through the entire population of the island except for a scared woman who runs away, and a blind girl. One by one, George hunts them down.
I've probably made this sound a lot better than it really is. It's pretty confusing. One of the first victims is a pregnant woman. George apparently has an insatiable appetite for human flesh, but then she turns up alive  in his catacombs near the end, alive and well. Was he saving her for a Sunday roast ? Obviously not, because moments later he rips out her foetus (I'm not kidding) umbelicle chord and all , and chows down on it. It was really a pigs foetus, which goes to show that Eastman was willing to suffer for his art. Another funny scene shows George drifting in a lifeboat with his wife and kid on the open seas ( at least it looks like the open seas, till you see the waves breaking in the foreground) . He accidentally kills his wife , and lets out a heart wrenching  "Nooooo!". One critic described George in this film as having 'the rugged good looks of a mountain gorilla, and the acting ability of a russet potato'. I thought that was pretty cruel.....especially given the fact that he was hidden under inches of latex. I also liked the scene where George ate his own guts....the consumate professional. Tisa Farrow wasn't too great in this. She seemed like she really didn't want to be there at all ( kind of like David Carradine in all of his roles). She also looked like she'd just got out of bed most of the time. I did enjoy this a little, but probably only because I'm a George Eastman fan. If he hadn't graced the screen in this , I'd probably only give this 1 out of 4.
Entertainment : 2 out of 4
Watchability : 2 out of 4
Overall : 2 out of 4
Reviewed by Blake.