Free Enterprise  (1998)
Directed by Robert Meyer Burnet. Starring Eric McCormack, Rafer Weigel, Audie England, and William Shatner.
If your into cult films, comics, Star Trek, or all of the above, you might get a kick out of this. It's about two diehard Star Trek fans called Robert, and Mark. Mark is the overly serious editor of a magazine called Geek Monthly, and Robert has just been fired from his job at a movie studio, and lost his girlfreind after she made him choose between her, or Star Trek. The two are at a local book store when they run into their idol William Shatner. Mark lies to Shatner to impress him, telling him he's a producer. Shatner excitedly tells them about a project he's working on..... a musical version of Julias Ceasar. If you've ever heard William Shatner belt out Mr. Tambourine Man, or Lucy in the sky with Diamonds you'll find this hilarious. From here on in, the movie that's kind of a comedy, but also a reverent homage to all things cult, unfolds kind of like Swingers.
This movie is packed with not only comic, and Star Trek references, but also the most cult film references ever gathered together in one movie. At one stage, Roberts girlfriend tells one of his buddies that she loves Tombs of the Blind Dead. In another scene, a drunken, depressed Robert informs the bartender that 'Soylent Green was people'. There are also quotes regarding Dawn of the Dead, Planet of the Apes, and Rosemarys Baby ( Mark tells his freinds 'That Bitch got what she deserved for what she did to Woody'). I also liked Its ridicule of mainstream cinema. In one scene, when a young kid tells Robert that he loves Men in Black, Robert shakes his head and says "We've got work to do". In another scene, Robert rhetorically asks 'whatever happened to the exploitation film?' , pointing out that despite the collection of great breasts in Scream, not one was shown. Free Enterprise is an hour and a half well spent for any cult film fan. You may like me, find the similarities between yourself, and the guys in this film uncanny.
"This ray gun was invented to stop William Shatner from making any more albums"- Comic Book Guy ( The Simpsons)
Entertainment : 3 out of 4
Watchability : 2 out of 4
Overall : 2.5 out of 4
Reviewed by Blake.
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