One Crazy Summer (1986)
Directed by Savage Steve Holland. Starring John Cusack , Demi Moore, Joel Murray , Bobcat Goldthwait , Tom Villard, and Curtis Armstrong.
Yes , Demi Moore was once in an entertaining movie . One Crazy Summer is Steve Hollands follow up to the equally bizarre screwball comedy Better Off Dead. This one is about a couple of college graduates called Hoops McCann ( John Cusack ), and George Calamari ( Joel Murray). They live in the boring , appropriately named town of Generic, New York. Hoops got his nickname from his father , who was a great basketball player. Unfortunately Hoops can't even dunk a donut , so he's a pretty big disappointment to them. The two have had enough of Generic , and decide to spend the summer at Georges Grandmothers house on the island of Nantucket.
Along the way , they pick up Demi Moore , who is being chased by a bunch of fruity looking bikers. They manage to get onto the ferry just in time with Demi in tow ( who just happens to be going there).  Demi Moore is almost unrecognisable , and I have to say she was a hell of a lot better looking before she financed some Hollywood plastic surgeons BMW repayments. From here on , things get a lot weirder. They meet up with Egg and Clay , a couple of Georges old buddies known as the Stork twins. They also hook up with another of Georges freinds called Ak-Ak. He's played by none other than Curtis Armstrong from Revenge of the Nerds , and his character in this movie is about as far removed from Booger as you can get.
Demi is on the island to try and raise enough money to pay the mortgage on her deceased Grandfathers house , which an evil resteraunter and his son want to buy and demolish to build a 'Lobster Log' restaraunt. Basically the rest of the plot involves the  hair brained schemes and hyjinx that the gang get up to to try and save the house.
This is one of my favorite screwball comedies. It's a lot more intelligent than most , and is filled with sight gags, homages , and genuinly funny one liners. Bobcat Goldthwait steals the show as Egg Stork. A lot of the most memorable scenes involve him.....especially the one in the  props truck for a movie being shot in Nantucket called Foam 2 ( about a giant dolphin with rabies that terrorises a small New England town) , and a scene on the beach involving a videocamera. The whole cast was pretty memorable.....all of the characters  were pretty lively and entertaining. This is usually the weakness with most screwball comedies.....there's one funny nerd , fat kid, or fat nerd , and the rest of the cast are boring one-dimensional terminally hip people.
Steve Holland is  obviously a huge fan of the Beach Boys . Songs such as Do It Again , Fun Fun Fun , and In My Room are featured heavily throughout the film , along with Creedence Clearwater Revivals Down on the Corner. A couple of the homages are cool too. The guy who played Eddie in Big Trouble In Little China appears in a Godzilla homage , and there's a 'blink and you'll miss it' Jaws homage apart from the obvious dolphin with rabies one.....we see  a dark , ominous boat at night near a jetty, and a shooting star drops from the sky overhead. This is a very watchable movie , especially in the middle of winter when you need a fix of sun , sand , and theatrical idiocy to get rid of the winter blues. It's only rated PG , so T&A is virtually non-existant . The strange thing is that this factor which would normally spell doom for a screwball comedy doesn't take anything at all away from this movie. It actually gives it a very sentimental feel. If you've felt cheated of an hour and a half of your life by most screwball comedies , give 'em another chance with One Crazy Summer. It really is an offbeat , truly original comedy. Near perfect in every way.
Entertainment : 4 out of 4
Watchability : 4 out of 4
Overall : 4 out of 4
Reviewed by Blake