Raiders of Atlantis  (1983)
Directed by Ruggerro Deodato. Starring Christopher Connelly, Tony King , Ivan Rassimov , Mike Miller, and Michele Soavi.
aka. Atlantis , aka. The Atlantis Interceptors.
I found this Italian post-nuke to be pretty confusing , and I'm still not quite sure what was going on most of the time. Still , I'll do my best to fill you in. It starts out in Miami Florida , and feels a lot like a really bad episode of Miami Vice. Christopher Connelly, and his partner Washington are a couple of mercenaries. Washington has recently converted to Islam , and insists on being called Mohammed ( everyone in the movie ignores his requests, and they continue to refer to him as Washington). Although he's very serious about his name change, he seems to make jokes about his new religion at every opportunity.
Anyway , Connelly and Washington ( to hell with it, no-one in the movie ever calls him Mohammed , so I won't bother either)establish
The fact that they're bad-ass dudes by entering a Miami druglords mansion by way of grapple hooks ( even though the front door is wide open and unguarded ) , and kill him for their latest payday. After this , the two need some much needed rest and relaxation , so they set off in their huge cruiser for an island off the coast. All isn't well though.... scientists on an oil rig are performing experiments that cause the lost city of Atlantis to rise. This causes a tidal wave that destroys the oil rig , leaving only a handful of survivors. Connelly and Washington pick them up , and they head back to Miami.
When they get there , it seems that all hell has broken loose. There are buildings burning , and bodies strung up everywhere. The inhabitants of Atlantis have somehow invaded Florida , and they're a very irritable race to say the least. They look like a bunch of  rejects from Humongous' gang in Mad Max 2 , and ride around on souped up choppers and in old Chevies. Atlantis must have been a very advanced civilisation to have Chevies, motorcycles, and assault rifles thousands of years ago. Fortunately the ragtag bunch of survivors find a huge crate of guns & ammunition , and this sets the scene for non-stop action as hundreds of M-16 fodder Atlantians die much deserved , often hilarious deaths.
That's about as clear a plot synopsis as you're likely to get out of me for this movie. A lot of the time I didn't have a clue what the hell was going on , or who everyone was , but it really didn't matter too much. This had non-stop action , and a number of laughable scenes. In one scene Connelly does a dramatic commando dive-roll into a room for absolutely no reason at all.....the room is clearly empty. Probably the funniest scene is where they get zapped by some kind of immobilising light. As it zaps them , Washington calmly states the fact that they "Can't move......we're immobilised" mainly just to insult our intelligence. It's not really an effective immobilising ray anyway, since neither Washington or Christopher Connelly can seem to stand still.
The Atlantean fashions , and vehicles are some of the more ridiculous that I've seen in a post-nuke. One bike has twin exhaust pipes that look like they were stolen from a truck. A lot of the sets were great. I suspect that this was filmed in an area that had just experienced a civil war , or some other disaster, because I don't see how such a low budget film could otherwise afford such extensively devestated sets. This had the most burnt out buildings I've ever seen in a low budget film. Raiders of Atlantis was surprisingly gory. People are impaled with glass much like Al Cliver is in The Beyond ( speaking of Al , one character is overdubbed by the same guy who overdubbed Cliver in Zombie). An Atlantean biker is also decapitated pretty spectacularly with piano wire. If you're into post-nukes , or Italian action in general , this is worth searching for.
Entertainment : 3 out of 4
Watchability : 3 out of 4
Overall : 3 out of 4
Reviewed by Blake