Things Are Tough All Over (1982)
Directed by Thomas Avildson. Starring Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Rikki Marin, Shelby Chong, Evelyn Guerrero, and John Steadman.
This was one of the least successful Cheech & Chong movies, but I like it a lot. This time our two dirtbag heroes are working at the Two Guys from Mecca carwash. It's the middle of winter in Chicago, and they're not getting a lot of customers. A pimp comes in to get his cadillac washed, and gets a more thorough wash than he bargained for. The two arabs that own the carwash are called Slyman, and Habib ( Cheech and Chong play the arabs too). They also own a nightclub,
and in the next scene, Cheech and Chongs band is playing to a bored audience in the club. Everyone ends up leaving, except the bosses girlfriends ( played by Cheech and Chongs real wives), who like Cheech and Chong a lot . To get them out of the club, Slyman and Habib pay them to deliver a limo to Las Vegas. It's no ordinary limo however, because it has five million dollars hidden under the front seat. The boys have no idea it's there, and are unwittingly delivering it to Vegas to be laundered. The arabs give them gas money, but Chong uses it to pay off their bar tab. With no money, they trade pieces of the car along the way for petrol , and naturally by the time they get to Las Vegas, the seat with all the money stashed in it has been traded along the way. When Slyman and Habib find out, they jump in Habibs maids plane, and fly to Vegas to kill them.
This is classic Cheech and Chong. Not only was their usual stuff great, but they were hilarious as the two cliche crazy arabs. At one point, Habib tries to kill a car rental guy who gave him a Datsun to drive. Then later on, the Datsun runs out of gas, so he destroys it, and then says "I have killed the car enough!". A couple of regular Cheech and Chong characters turned up too. Donna ( Evelyn Guerrero - Next Movie, Nice Dreams) showed up as an illegal immigrant tourguide, and John Steadman ( Next Movie ) lampooned his role as the  old gas station attendant in The Hills Have Eyes. This was also packed with great original music by the duo. I especially liked their Chilly winds of Chicago song , and Me and My Old Lady. You probably either love their humour, or absolutely hate it. It really is for a select audience. If you like Cheech and Chongs other movies, chances are that you'll really get a kick out of this. It also has some of the strangest scenes they've ever filmed. The resteraunt scene had me totally confused, and thinking "what the hell is this all about?". If you've never seen a Cheech and Chong movie, this is probably a pretty good one to start with, because there is a lot less emphasis on drug humour......and it's a lot better than The Corsican Brothers, which is just out and out bad.
Entertainment : 3 out of 4
Watchability : 4 out of 4
Overall : 3.5 out of 4
Reviewed by Blake.
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