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One and Two Variable Function Grapher Applet.

Fantastic graphers from gCalcD: Function Grapher Equation Grapher Parametric Grapher Point Set Plotter

Below are images of the Function Grapher Applet. You need to have your browser Java-enabled to view the function grapher applet to graph functions.

function-grapher-oneVar AMIR

Above are images of the Function Grapher Applet. You need to have your browser Java-enabled to view the function grapher applet to graph functions.

If the Function Grapher Applet is not showing correctly on Mac and other non-Windows platforms click here.

Function Grapher, 1 and 2-Variable

Entering Functions Changing the Scales & Zooming Translating the Origin Rotating the Axes Changing the Colours
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2D Graphing /  
Derivative Calculator GCalc-D: Graphing / Derivative Calculator
Graph functions, parametric curves and equations, and plot points in Cartesian or polar coordinate system. Solve equations and calculate derivatives.

Use +, -, *, / and ^ for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and power, respectively. However the use of * is optional for multiplication. That is,

2x, xx, xpiyyx, (xy+e)sin(x), pipi, epi, pie, expi …
can all be entered as written. But avoid using x2, for example, where a literal number comes right after an expression. Use parentheses (…) for grouping.

In addition to algebraic functions such as linear, quadratic and other polynomial and rational functions, you can use any of these predefined functions in your expressions, including power functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses, and hyperbolic functions and their inverses. You can also use mathematical constants such as the number represented by e (= 2.718…; Euler's number, natural Logarithm base) and π (=3.14…; by typing pi) in function expressions.

After you have entered the function, press the Show Graph button. The Function Grapher will start the process of graphing. The graph of a one-variable function will appear as a curve instantly in most cases (if you have a fast computer), and if you are graphing a two-variable function with Function Grapher 3D the graph will be constructed as a surface by drawing a set of curves, namely, the x-direction and the y-direction contours.

When graphing a two-variable function with Function Grapher 3D, you can set the contours spacing by entering an integer in the corresponding text-box. The bigger the contours spacing, the more dispersed will the contours be and consequently the process of graphing will be faster.

If you want to graph more than one function with Function Grapher Applets press the Graph Multiple Functions button. A window will open. Input the number of functions (default 2 functions) you want to graph and enter each function in the enabled text boxes. Finally, press Graph All Functions button. If the function expressions are valid, all the graphs will be drawn on the applet. Otherwise, every function before the first with syntax error will be graphed, and an error message will identify that function and displays feedback.

By pressing the Snapshot button on the multiple functions input window the Function Grapher lets you view the graph of the individual functions. (if they can fit in the small area provided). This will also give you feedback whether you have made syntax error.

The expression

is entered as


or alternatively as

To evaluate the function at a particular x value enter that value in the text box provided and press the = button. You can enter any constant expression for the x values. For example, the expression

is a valid expression for the x value which can then be entered as


Similarly, when using Function Grapher 3D, to evaluate a two variable function at a particular point (x,y), input the x value and y value as constant expressions separated by comma in the text box provided.

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Entering Functions Entering Functions Changing the Scales & Zooming Translating the Origin Rotating the Axes Changing the Colours

Predefined Functions and Constants for Function Grapher

Mathematical Constants Function Grapher 3D)

Power and Absolute Value Functions

Exponential and logarithmic Functions

Trigonometric Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Hyperbolic Functions

Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

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