Kiss Corner

You Deserve a Kiss for Being You!

  • You know life gets rough sometimes, more like all the time, but no matter how rough life seems there is someone in the world who's life is worse then yours. There are people who view your life more glamorously then you. I never thought I was much of an inspiration to anyone, and my best friend Robin(friends for 22 years) told me she was writing a paper at college on her hero. So I asked who? She said,"You." Wow that floored me, why me? She told me anyone who can raise five kids, work, and go back to college and still be as optimistic and nice as I am is a hero. You may not see yourself as any ones hero, but I bet you are someone's hero. Always keep the faith in yourself and never give up on what you have been working for, it is the right thing and not all in vain. So don't be So Hard on Yourself!
  • So to each and everyone of you Keep the Faith in Yourself, your Spouse, Children, and most Importantly Your Life.

    Don't be Afraid to Dance the Dance of Life!

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