What is it?

DENACER, Fundación Derecho a Nacer (The Right to Be Born Foundation) is a nonprofit institution whose main objective is to fight for the defense of life, avoiding induced miscarriage and making expectant mothers understand that, no matter how difficult their case may be, it is never right to kill an innocent human being. 

Board of Directors 

Composed by a group of competent professionals, responsible for advising the General Director in matters related to the development of the Foundation’s programs. 

General Director 

Appointed by the Board of Directors.  In charge of the implementation, orientation and coordination of all the Foundation events, activities and programs. 

The General Director represents the moral, spiritual and religious support of the Foundation, seeking to achieve its goals, and provides the assistance in the tasks performed.


A small group of volunteers collaborates with Denacer participating in several activities in different areas of the Foundation. It also has “sewing circle” activities where volunteers and  mothers sew baby clothes. 

These are people who make themselves responsible for their work seeking no economical profit in an organized fashion for the benefit of the Foundation. 

Spiritual Growth 

Moral advice follows a Roman Catholic orientation, in full compliance with God’s commandments. Part of the mission of the Foundation is the belief that the path chosen by the pregnant women leading to a healthy, honest life in a time of difficulty depends on a good confession practice and a truthful coexistence. To this end, they can turn to the advice of priests who are willing to assist these ladies in distress. 

Psychological Assistance 

Permanent psychological individual assistance and, if necessary, family therapy is provided. 

In addition to spiritual aid,  considering the fact that abortions are highly traumatic for women, post-abortion healing is also provided.

Community Services 

We work with other institutions such as intermediate homes, the Church, public and private hospitals, clinical laboratories and government institutions in order to support, guide and provide solutions to the problems faced by future mothers. 

Work Fields

Help to benefitiaries

Dissemination Department

Education Department

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 Juan Pablo II