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Death Du Jour – Gamashinoch



01. All Flowers Rot (Transact Exitus)
02. Artificial Excessive Excessivities
03. Icing World Hunger
04. Gamashinoch 

This isn’t really a demo, this is a self-published mini-CD or an EP which offers a little over 17 minutes of extremely brutal death metal. The CD comes with very nice and professional artwork and layout, which is always positive extra even when it is the music that really counts. The music itself is ideal to those who don’t like simple and easy listening metal and seek something more challenging. This is very brutal indeed, but the songs lack a lot of personality and they mostly sound the same with the technical riffing, blasting and quickly changing parts. Vocals are quite good not that low, more like shouting type of death metal growling. The sounds are very good, tight and brutal but the music goes a little too chaotic from time to time. Maybe it’s just that the guys try to make a little more technical parts than they are capable of playing. Over all not bad since this is the first product of this band (to my knowledge). Of course this kind of music needs to be listened many times before it really opens up to you, and it does after a couple of times.

  3/5 (Reviewed by Dr. G.O.D.) 




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