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Pilgrims From Tarterus – More Scenery  



01. Call to Oblivion
02. Scenes on the Battlefield
03. Of the Chivalry
04. Realms of Tarterus
05. The Black Wall Grows into My Skin

Pilgrims From Tarterus has the (dis)advantage of being the first crappy black metal demo reviewed by DemoHell. Once more I got my hands on a black metal demo that has nothing new to offer – it’s sad. The bands second demo offers also elements from other types of melodic metal too but mostly this is black metal in my opinion. There are some parts on this demo that sound promising, but when the implementation is weak, the quality of this demo goes below average. The raw, typical to black metal, parts work mostly pretty fine, but especially most of the slow and atmospheric parts should have been left out. You can hear all the mistakes in those parts so well and there are lots of them. The sound quality is quite OK, since this is probably a rehearsal place recording. However the sounds, singing and playing in general lack much power and this demo goes in the same league than many many other weak BM demos.

  2/5 (reviewed by Dr. G.O.D.)




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