Level One Units


Structures are your needs, they generate energy, collect metal, build units, and defend the base. Further detail in the Strategy section.
The Solar Collector is the standard way of getting energy. It will always collect 20 EU (Energy Units) per game second. They are scheap and reliable.
The Metal Extractor is the primary way of gathering metal. You musto locate metal deposits, (Shiny spot on the grount) and build it on these places. The planet Core Prime is a ball of metal. Build an extractor anywhere.
The Wind Generator is the cheapest energy gathering structure. It relies on the wind and generates anywhere from 0 to 100 energy units. It most likely falls between 2 and 15.
Metal Storage is great when metal production is higher than needed. Build this unit and it will add 1000 MU (Metal Units) to the possible storage. This backup supply of metal will be useful for when you start to build a large army and need a lot of metal.
Energy Storage is also great when energy production is higher than needed. It will add 3000 EU to your capacity. Then you have a reserve when buyilding a massive army.
The Metal Maker is not a very good unit. It generates 1 metal unit by draining 60 energy units. This is a waiste of energy.
The Light Laser Tower (LLT) is the first stationary base defense weapon. It has a high rate of fire, meduim laser, and meduim armor. It is good for initial base befense ONLY.
The Radar Tower is good to locate enemy units in nonvisible areas. It can see in unexplored regions and if placed far from your base it can warn you of approaching units. They are very cheap and very weak. No guns.
The Vehicle Plant builds all the L1 vehicles and the construction vehicle.
The Kbot Lab builds all the L1 kbots and the construction kbot.
The Aircraft Plant builds all the L1 aircraft and the construction aircraft.
The Ship Yard builds all the L1 ships and the construction ship.
The Hovercraft Platform builds all the hovercraft and the construction hovercraft.
The Rapid Fire Plasma Cannon can take out an advanceing Peewee or Flash force. It is not greatly strong but it can slow down an army of level one only. It is not good against level two or higher. NOTE: This unit must be downloaded from http://www.totalannihilation.com/totala/dwnlds_frame.html
