Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Scan 6


Chiaki and Jeanne ^_^
Sinbad holding Jeanne's body
Chiaki and his dad! hehe
Chiaki... (btw.. I modified it a lil)
a cute piccy of Chiaki's dad

Chiaki and Marron laughing! ^_^
a happy Marron!
Marron in a.. wedding dress (?)
hehehe... Chiaki hugging Marron while she cooks ^_^
oh... Marron with wings!

a page of japanese... could someone translate this?!?
Chiaki's Dad ^_^
Chiaki wrapping Marron in his arms saying he'll take her home on Valentine's Day
Chiaki looking at the chocolate box Marron just gave him
Marron just gave Chiaki a chocolate box on Valentine's Day