Vocab Malone

1. What got you started with starting your rap/hiphop CD? Well, I feel called by God to rap, so I feel He just inspires me to write. Then I hooked up with supa' producer DJ Cre One and he helped me make the dream a reality. Then a wonderful artist named Nicole Rieser hooked up the graphic design and then some. That's how The Notepad Nomad CD came about. It's like my 5th one or something. As far as how I began rapping ... in 4th grade this kid named Jerry Long stood up and busted a verse for show-and-tell. I was hooked from that day forward.

2. What's your fave verse in the Bible? My answer to this question always changes, because as I read, certain verses speak to me at certain times, ya'know? Right now I'd have to say Philippians 2:3, which says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves". Whoa, now that's deep, because it can be very hard to do that at all times in all of one's relationships.

3. Have you had any crazy fans chase after you? I don't know about literally, physically chasing me ... but, there have been some crazy girls here and there. Like I'll do an event at their church or school, and then they'll send me some, uhh, "interesting" e-mail afterwards. I always just ignore it, and they never seem to write back. Oh, and little kids. Especially 5 year old boys ... they actually have physically chased me, ya'know, playing games and stuff.

4. What's the funiest thing that ever happened while at a concert? I don't know about the absolute craziest thing, but one time I performed for like 300 South Koreans! Serious. They were awesome; jumping, shouting, dancing, clapping. Then the Pastor himself gets on stage with me and starts getting down! This man must have taken some energy pills or something, because he was hype. The crowd went wild. You literally had to see it to believe it.

5. Were you a nerd or a cool guy at school? Honestly, most people considered me a cool guy who hung out with nerds. For real. It was as if I had "cool guy potential", but I just naturally gravitated towards the so-called weirdos; folks who read comic books, watched a lot of Star Wars, and had funny names ... like Afuma Porter or these twins named Jason and Mason Rookstool ... I am not joking, either. Yo, you know how kids in school always make fun of "your momma" or you yourself? Well, when people like that would try and tease me, they would just end up making fun of the people I hung out with instead. But I loved my homies.

6. What's one thing that you think will help when someone is rapping? DO NOT LISTEN TO THE RADIO!!! Serious, the junk on there is so morally and artistically dead, that it can only influence you for the bad. Instead, watch old hip hop movies like Wild Style and Style Wars. And be sure to read a lot ... first of all, The Bible, because you need to know the truth to be able to put it in a rhyme. Then read other books, like History and Philosophy, because it will help your vocabulary and give you a broader perspective than just some MTV garbage or MC so-and-so's latest CD. Oh, and practice in your closet 24/7 and then go to tons of hip hop functions to study and rub shoulders with more experienced cats. Lastly, listen to my track "Local MC's" 38 times in a row for what not to do.

7. Do you have any other hobbies other than rapping? Yes ... rapping about people that ask too many daggone questions! Just kidding, I love reading ... mainly books dealing with Biblical and American history. I also enjoy studying Christian Apologetics, which is defined as "the defense of the Faith". I am a huge fan of Speech from Arrested Developoment and my other main man has gotta be "Weird" Al Yankovic; that dude is sick! And of course, I love re-living my childhood by watching Star Wars, GI Joe, and yes, TransFormers.

If you would like to know more about Vocab malone please visit his site at... http://www.vocabmalone.com/

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