A Love-Hate Relationship

TITLE: A Love-Hate relationship
AUTHOR: Fyredansa
EMAIL: Fyredansa@hotmail.com
SUMMARY: Anew romance is budding in Sunnydale
FEEDBACK: Hey, if you like it, please comment. If not, I'll go and sulk in the corner.
DISTRIBUTION: Just here at the mo...but anyone can have it :-) Just ask nicely ;-)
SPOILERS: I can't think of any cos i'm only halfway through series 4. If there are spoilers in this, I'm very sorry, but I didn't know!
RATING: Erm...A bit above PG13, but below the one above it...or something.
DISCLAIMER: Let me get this clear - if I owned these guys, do you THINK I would waste time writing? Ho no! ;-) These chaps and chapettes (chaps preferred) belong to Joss Whedon and all the other companies involved with the TV show. I should have asked for permission to use them, but I didn't and its too late now, so please don't sue me cos I'm poor!
CLASSIFICATION: One of another very weird and boring kind.
NOTES: Wrote this off the top of my head after the first time I ever saw Spike in an episode of Buffy - Friday October 13th - what can I say? He rocked!
DEDICATED: Anyone who actually reads it :-D

The moon’s clear outside, a few stars flickering here and there. No clouds tonight. A clear, midnight blue sky.


Like so many nights before.

I feel a warm hand trace up my side: gentle, soft, tender. Everything I know I don’t deserve, but here it is.

“Going out?” She asks, pressing her lips against my shoulder, not even needing to know the answer. She disapproves, but thats what she has to do, to save face in front of her friends.

Her hot little cheek rests between my shoulder blades, her hair soft and light against my skin. Ticklish, almost – if vampires were ticklish. But I’m not. And sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I was.

“I need to eat, love.” I remind her, briefly wishing I could just stay here, in her soft arms and savour something I haven’t had for a long time.

Its been a long time and leading up to this night, I wonder why I waited so long to tell her... or...well ...not tell her exactly.

We only really found each other this morning. Strange as it may seem when we’ve been kicking each other’s asses for long enough.

Funny things bring people together. And keep them together.

Both fighting the same demon, fighting for our lives, we’d had to fight together, side-by-side. If anyone had told me that, I would probably have said I’d rather throw myself on a stake than even look at the airhead.

But there we were.


“Find your own demon!” She had yelled at me, determined to maintain her bravest face. As she always did.

It used to be bloody annoying, but now, all I remember is how brave she was. She faced me often enough, she had to be brave or insane.

Stumbling under a vicious blow, I had caught her and pulled her out of harms way before she hit the ground and she had tugged away from me with a look that clearly said “Maybe I fell once. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen again...got that?”

Cocky little madam.

Then it was my turn. Damn! I hate to look stupid in front of a slayer!

Flat on my back, she continued to grapple with the demon, her delicate frame betrayed by the muscles that bulged beneath her skintight shirt. I couldn’t believe it when she glanced down and gave me that cocky smile of hers.

If she’d had enough breath, there would have been a wisecrack, I’m sure, but – instead – she nodded a direction at me and I instinctively followed it, knowing that if we didn’t cooperate, we’d both probably end up very dead and undeader.

Rolling, I managed to leap to my feet behind him and caught her winking cheekily at me as I slammed him in the back with my boot.

She kicked the demon’s legs out from beneath him and I grabbed his arms, pinioning him for her to do her...well...slayer stuff.

But it didn’t work that way. Instead, he smashed her in the face, sending her head-over-heels through a window, the shards stabbing every inch of bare skin as she slumped, unconscious.

“Bloody hell.” What else could I say? What else could I do, but finish the job? I wanted to be the one to do the slayer – and I did just that...but not in the way that I expected to.

Jerking my arms down, I snapped the ugly, hairy bugger’s neck just as his ugly cronies burst in on the scene.

I started to run.

But then I saw her. I couldn’t leave her, all pathetic and feeble and weak. Especially not when I wanted to be the one to bump her *ahem*. Well... er...bump her off when the time was right.

Grabbing her, I tossed her over my shoulder and ran for it, leaving the other demons to pick up the mess of their boss and carried her back to my nice, safe, cosy home...well...vampire home.

She didn’t come round until I had carefully laid her in my own bed.

And why the hell did I do that? I mean, the slayer, both alive and unconscious and I put her in my bloody bed? I didn’t kill her? It was at this point that any normal vampire would check its medication.

She moaned softly, obviously in pain, which made it a hundred times worse.

Getting a bowl of water and a cloth, I decided I might as well pick the glass out of her cuts. It would give me something to do until she decided that she was ready to face consciousness again.


Sponging the last off the blood off her cheek and forehead, I could sense she was awake, even though she still feigned unconsciousness.

And – what made it all the more bizarre – was that I could feel her heartrate accelerate every time my skin brushed against hers, which could either be fear or excitement. I couldn’t decide which.

“So are you going to stake me already?” I inquired slowly laying the bowl aside. “Or do you have a ‘schedule to work by?”

“I was just wondering.” She replied. “Why you haven’t killed me yet. Do you have a ‘schedule’ or something?”

Glaring at her, I felt a surge of some kind of emotion. “Now, ducky,” I growled, trying to be menacing. Menacing and saying ducky...a little bit of impact lost there, maybe? “I saved your pretty little arse out there tonight.”

“I was doing fine!” She retorted, sitting up, her blonde mane falling forward like silken curtains, as she pushed the sheet aside and stood shakily up. All the colour fled from her face as she keeled over, collapsing on the floor. “Oh crap.”

“Fine, eh?” Trying to play tough, she didn’t want to lose face in front of me. That wouldn’t have been right...but she was pretty badly shaken up. Picking her up, I laid her on the bed again and sat down beside her. “I’ll admit it now – you saved my life tonight, Buffy.”

‘Buffy’? Since when had I called her Buffy? Shes the slayer...or some equally dumb name. Or she always had been til that minute. There were something strange happening this night and I – for one – wasn’t about to stop it.

“And you saved mine too.” She haltingly murmured, as if she herself had just realised it were the truth. Weird doesn’t even begin to cover it.

The silence after she said that was deafening, her deep eyes staring down at the sheet that I had draped over her. Her hands twisted knots in the material, her hair shining in the dim light.

Such beautiful hair. Golden. Not as gaudy as mine. The kind of hair that you just want to reach out and touch.

Something I knew I had to resist.

She was still as strong as I.

“You should rest here for a while.” I said, deciding if I didn’t get the hell out of there, I was going to do something that would bring me closer to the slayer than I really wanted to be.

But her hand covered mine.


I looked at the hand, then at her. Her face. Her smooth cheeks, her soft eyes, her full soft lips that I just wanted to taste.

Withdrawing her hand, she whispered. “Stay.”

She was lying on her side, my hip barely inches from her own, but she didn’t pull away as I brushed her straying hair back from her face.

Pulling herself upright slowly, she sat, facing me. In spite of the cuts and scar on her face, I could see the determination and strength there that I had never really noticed before. That made her a slayer. That made her even more appealing.

My mind was screaming “Shes the slayer! Kill her! Drain her! Eat up! Shes in your bed! Do it!” but my body refused to comply. For once, I wanted to follow my body and not my mind.

I can’t say for certain who started the kiss, but it lasted a long time, her tender fingers brushing the freshly formed skin on my cheeks and neck, her taste sweet on my lips.

That was when I realised why I’d never actually killed her before. Why – despite all my chances and excuses – I had let her live, time and time again. And why I had hated Angel so.

Breaking off the kiss, I knew I should have let her go by now, but I couldn’t face that. Face another night alone, without her to warm me when I slept and to hold me if I needed it.

“Its our little secret.” She whispered to me, her eyes dark, as she drew me into her arms again. “Our own special little secret.”

Her strong young arms slid under my coat, her hands firmly pulling my cold body to her warm one and I knew that in a state like this, she could kill me on a whim – something I found intriguingly erotic.

Giving myself over to her, I knew she felt as vulnerable and as thrilled by the situation as I did. Either one of us could be killed, if we let our guard down, thats what we had always said and here we were, removing each others clothing and kissing and carressing one another with no apparent threat.


Damn! It was the hottest sex I’ve had in many a year. Surprisingly, I’ve never had a slayer like Buffy before. So many slayers and yet, shes the only one to affect me like this.

I look back at her, as her slim hands run around my waist, over my bare chest, my own hands covering hers.

“Please don’t go.” She whispers as she did in the early hours of this morning.

“Pet.” I draw her around, cradling her in my arms, noticing the concern and sorrow in her eyes. “I’m a vampire and part of the deal is that I go out and drink the blood of innocent mortals. Its a rule. If we didn’t, you’d be out of a job.”

“Don’t you feel guilty?”

“Do you, when you eat a burger? At least we only take the blood...”

“But they’re human lives...”

I had to laugh. “You eat animals because they aren’t the same species. Its exactly the same for me and my kind...you know that, love.”

“All right.” Propping herself between my thighs, she touches my face. “I’ll give you something...maybe it will be enough...”

I get the oddest feeling that I’m about to get a stake between the ribs, but no.

She tilts her head back and bares her neck. Bares her beautiful neck to me. Her mortal enemy – the vampire who has been trying to kill her since he found out about her existence.


Smiling gently up at me, she nods. “I know you could kill me.” She murmurs, touching my face again. “But if I die right now, I know I’ll be happy because I was in your arms.”

I can’t refuse that.

I’m so hungry.

I need to eat.


Lying in one anothers embrace, I touch her pale cheek.

Incredible. Thats what she is. Beautiful, incredible, mine.

Arching her back lazily, she stretches and smiles at me and I know without a doubt that shes going to be mine forever. I’m never going to lose her the way I lost so many before. Shes my princess.

Moving to the mirror – the only one in the house – she smears the surface with a frown, blinking at the reflection.


“That’s right, ducky.” I feel a certain smugness in her realisation of what I’ve done to her, Buffy, the vampire slayer. “A vampire casts no reflection...bloody annoying, isn’t it?”

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