Russia - Far Future

Date: March.3.2002

Russia -Far Future

I have to laugh. Putin, you're a genius! I can almost hear how the conversation in the Red Star Chamber went; "Tell the IMF, the World Bank and the rest of those blood suckers, they'll get their $60 billion back when we dam well feel like paying it back! And at whatever interest we want to pay! Tell everyone who got those millions and billions stashed away, and we know who you are, had better invest at home and finance business ventures or we'll take it away from them and put them in prison labor camps for the rest of their lives! And when we want some bucks for our government business, they better cough up whatever we ask! Better the organized crime bastards, who know how Capitalism works, dole out the cash and kick ass then our dis-organized crime bastards who run our stupid antiquated government departments!"

That's why Russia reported one of the highest business investment rates in the world in 2001! Putin's governments way of thinking is, it's better to have Victor send out his gang of pipe\gun wielding thugs to visit their legit managers to get production up, then to sink money into bottomless holes of apathetic former government hand-out industries.

But alas, criminals, although are great at creating the BIG dream ( the Con ) and are able to get something started in a BIG way, especially if they have loads of dough, are terrible long-term managers and unable to complete projects once started. Oh sure, they can rant and rave to keep the productive people in line for a while, but their continuous crimes and cravens for greater excitment leads them to do themselves in or create numerous enemies who will do them in eventually. Putin knows this. He's just biding his time until their educational institutions get modernized to graduate sound Western-style business managers to take over those businesses not performing. Read, until criminals are unable to pay the extortion fees to the government so as to hold onto the ill-gotten money.

Unfortunately, Putin's solution, abet working temporarily, will run out of time. Not enough competent business managers will become available to replace the failing criminals outside of government and within. Blackmail is a lousy management tool. I bet there's more than a few who regret taking more than enough to quietly retire on, especially when the government criminals come calling and tell them to do this or else.....! The predictions in Russia - Near Future still stand. Expect Russia to reinforce it's old territorial expansion plans. Only this time with the United States tacit consent!

It is an indictment of our sleazy world governments that they would use a tragic incident like 9/11 to turn it to their advantage and strengthen their power over people. Picture yourself standing amongst your brothers, behind your Big Brother as he pounds a bunch of Middle Easterners into the ground with a huge metal, spiked bat. Every once in a while he turns around and hits you and your fellow brothers upside the head and says he needs more of your money to carry on the fight! We all end up beaten down and obedient to his every whim. Only, our blows are Human and Civil Rights and Privileges our forefathers fought for against the ruling elite. The old ruling elite never went away. They simply passed on the mantle, philosophy and elitist attitude to their heirs.

Russia and the United States have joined forces. We can expect the integration of a little of both systems. The West teaches Russia how to turn their citizens into tax slaves and Russia teaches the West the fine art of brainwashing it's citizens into docility.

The Russian government and culture is rife with criminality. It will take many generations before it's citizens will actually feel safe anywhere. The Russians are playing a two faced game allying itself with two avowed enemies, China and the United States. They will continue to play each to it's own advantage. In fact, it is the true source of many conflicts between the East and West. Whispering in one ear about the other, inciting suspicion and mistrust.

On Bush's statement, "Either you're with us or against us.", Russia will eventually completely side with the USA as China stumbles ( see China - Far Future when it's ready). Russia will act as a junior partner to the US in world affairs and do some of the dirty deeds the US Constitution or the people will not allow. A brighter period will come when we go off into space exploration together.

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