Once upon a time,many many years ago I can remember my mother speaking of the time she was on the stage in music hall and variety, I was young then and didn’t take a lot of notice.the thought of music hall seemed very old fashioned. Elvis Presley did more for me then than music hall ever could.Now that I am as old as my mother was then I find myself wishing that Id taken more notice of what she had to say and regretting that I didn’t ask more questions.

About eight weeks ago I became the owner of a computer,well now that I had this marvellous piece of machinery at my fingertips (so to speak ) I decided to research my family tree and I have been very lucky to have found the amount of information that I have in such a short period.I found with great delight that I come from a long line of thespians for not only did my mother tread the boards but my grand parents and my great grandparents and all the children inbetween were involved with the theartre one way or another.

My great grand father Henry Loydall was an actor who it seems played everything from comedy to shakespear,it very much seems that to be “an actor” in those far away days you had to be able to turn your hand to every aspect of this your chosen trade,in fact you name it and one of the Loydalls probably did it.”the Era” of that period has lots of little snippets about them.Henry’s wife Georgiana ( Stansbury ) appears to have been very good at comedy and his son (george) Victor (thomas) Loydall did pantomime from from Boots At The Swan ( a preface to mother goose ) at the Pavillion Theatre,Edinburgh,Scotland 1899 to mother goose at the Theatre Royal,Hobart,Australia 1908,another son Henry percival was also in the Theatre and Gustavus Richard was a musican ..

Henry's daughter Marceline Emma Loydall was in Music Hall.She had I believe a single act under the name Emma Loydall,and her memo card describes he as being a “ Characteristic Comedienne,Top Boot and Jig Dancer” she also had a double act with William Herbert Smart (known as Billy Smart) under the name of “Kiro and White” described as a great comedy,singing and dancing act. Another daughter Harriette Agnes Loydall had a travelling repertory theartre which was continued on by her daughter Catherine. There are a lot more little facts that I have unearthed but I still have a lot more digging to do,who knows what I might find out?.