400 + Gordon Head Residents

Kenmore & Tyndall   Development

Gordon Head Community,
Saanich Municipality
British Columbia

What's New

June 18th Meeting Results--->...and the winner is...

 Coming Soon .... Next Steps for More Greenspace in development

Village_Support_??? Petition to Saanich  June 18th Meeting Notice
Village_People March 28, 2001 Workshop  June 18th Meeting Results


Critical Review of Workshop

RS-6   vs   Village
Feed Back Workshop Complete Report Map of Area

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 
committed citizens can change the world"     
Margaret Mead 

This Page Last Updated On:  Thursday, June 28, 2001 06:39:15 AM 

Please come back again.  Items yet to come:

xMap of Area Pictures of Site Search of This Site Developer Fatigue
What do local residents really want? Development Permit Area Examples Contact with Saanich What is Sustainable Development Really about ?
xContacts Discussion Groups Construction Time Current Issues
History of Site  Commercial Zoning Support for RS-6 Village Concept
xVillage Support GHLAP's 1970's lot sizes Developer
Residential Zoning Email Subscription xPetition NIMBY
status quo Your Opinion Concerns xVillage People
Village Publications Draft VS Final Meeting Agenda xReport on Meeting Questionnaire Results xComplete Details from Meeting Questionnaire
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