About Me
This man of 38 years, finds that life is more than just a party ! After looking back on what was gained by, or from the party.....turns out, nothing ! And, by the way......have you seen my liver, kneecap, wallet, key's, or any old girlfriend's, that was lost, or stolen, during most of my social affairs while drinking ? 
   You may be thinking, this old boy can't handle his liquor !?  Well, I am willing to confess my shortcomings, and alcohol is one of them.
  Imagine being in your mid-30's and needing a liver transplant. Well, that's me again. The "story" goes deeper, and I've got the scar called "?" to prove it. Can you tell me the "nickname" that they've given to these abdominal scars ?
    The stories of my old party days are well behind me. 3 years to be exact. I'm thankful, and fortunate that I have learned this lesson while I'm still young ! I don't have to worry about when & where I'll drink again. I don't have to worry about prized possesions being lost, stolen, or never enjoyed. Such as keys, wallets, jobs, or abilities that we take for granted. I am fortunate again for having a family, (Mom, Dad, Bro. & Sis) that loves me as much as I love them.
   Going deeper into the subject of alcohol and how it robs you of your most "vital" possesions is not my intention here. My intention is to build a website that can show you a better life ! Having had plenty of time for methodical research, under my picture you will find some dedicated teams, committed to a better life, as much as you or me are, with the needed tools and abilities to get us both where we want to be.
    Send me a note if you have any comments, or if you have a loved one with a substance abuse problem. They need to know that this world is not out to get them. Save their self-respect if any is left.
Or better yet, help them build that self-respect back up better than ever before. Get Involved ! If you see me online, feel free to speak, I'll do whatever I can for you ! If there is no direct answer, I've stepped away from my desk but leave a message, I'll respond in time ! Have a wonderful day !
Before, the Almighty Replacement
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Name: Gavin Sams
Email: gabbosgold@yahoo.com