Takamine EF440C
Hi Guys/Gals!

I've since upgraded this babe of mine in the year 2005.
Below are the details .......
I added a pin strap knob.
Takamine guitars don't come with one.
Used to tie the strap at the guitar head-stock but playing was quite difficult as the guitar tends to slip.
Takamine original saddles are made of bones.
I had it changed to FMI (Fossiled Mammoth Ivory) supposed to be elephant tusk.
It gives better tone clarity and bass responds. Projection is good too!
I've changed the preamp to Takamine Cool Tube which has a tube inside it and gives a warm and fullness of a tube amp sound.
Above knobs (left to right) are;
1. The Cool Tube Volume.
2. EQ Mid Range Adjustment.
3. External Second Pickup Volume.
The Sliders (left to right) are;
Bass EQ, Mid EQ, Treble EQ and Preamp Master Volume.
The bottom portion is the Tuner and Pitch Selector. Underneath those are the Batteries Compartment.
I've added a second pickup source to go along with the Cool Tube Preamp.
The Cool Tube Preamp originally has a piezo pickup underneath the saddle.
This second pickup is a soundhole pickup that picks up the vibration of the strings and partly the sound hole too.
The final result is too good to believe. I have the combination sound from the piezo and the external soundhole pickup. So much warmness and sounded so natural. The recorded sound was like "studio" version too.
Oh yah, forgotten to inform you guys/gals that the brand for the soundhole pickup is
Dean Markley West Coast Series Tahoe.
As of October 2008, I've changed the original plastic pins to Bone Pins.
This gives better and further clarity in the tone!
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