You need a six-sided die (a d6) and maybe a pencil and a paper.

There are 3 values that should be kept track of: first player's Concentration Points (CPs), second player's CPs and the ball's Danger Value (DV). At the beginning of the game, each player has 2 CPs and the ball's DV is 0.

The game is divided into 'turns'. Each player plays his turn as follows:

1) Reception

Roll the die against the ball's DV.
If you roll the DV or more, you have succesfully Recieved the ball.
If you roll less, you may substract some of your CPs and add them to the roll (e.g.: the ball's DV is 6, you have 3 CPs and you roll a 4. You may substract 2 CPs (leaving you with one) to make it a 6, Recieving the ball).

2) Choose a Return

Choose from this list:

» Ping - add 1 CP
» Pong - substract 1 from the ball's DV
» High - substract 1 CP, add 1 to the ball's DV
» Low - substract 1 CP, add 1 to the ball's DV, the other player's Return may Go Too High (see 3), the other player may not Return with Smash
» Spin - substract 3 CPs, add 2 to the ball's DV, the other player's Return may Go Too High, the other player must Return with Ping, Pong or High
» Smash - substract 2 CPs, add 2 to the ball's DV
» Low smash - substract 3 CPs, add 2 to the ball's DV, the other player's Return may Go Too High, the other player may not Return with Smash

3) Return

Roll the die and add 2 to the roll.

If you roll more than the ball's DV was before you chose your Return, you successfuly Returned the ball. The chosen Return effects take place.
As with 1), if you roll less, you may substract a number of your CPs and add them to your roll. Exceptions: if you played Low or Low smash, add only 1 instead of 2 to the roll. If you Received a Low, Spin or Low smash, roll 1 die. On 1 or 2, your Return Goes Too High - substract 1 DV and the chosen Return effects do not take place.

4) The Net

Roll 1 die. If you roll 6, the ball touches the Net - add 1 to the ball's DV, the other player's Return may Go Too High. Exceptions: if you played Low or Low smash, the ball touches the Net on 5 as well as 6. If you played High or if your Return Went Too High, the ball can't touch the Net; you don't have to make the roll at all.

When you start the game, the beginning player skips 1) and can't choose a Spin, Smash or Low Smash as Return.

As an optional rule, add 1 to the ball's DV after every two successful Returns (or after every four, or after EVERY Return).

Have fun.

-Martin The Great