humm... this was in the quarterly Fader magazine for spring... there is an interview in the mag.. and gael said that he would love to play dumbo... the elephant.. humm... i still think he would make a better elf.. or even a dwarf for snow white.. :b.. but that's just me... keep aspiring! after watching ytmt last night (third time).. i was flipping through mags at barnes and noble and just found this article.. great coincidence... it was meant to be! lol.. haa haa... this passage caught my eye:
Does it help to be cute?:
Well I pay immediate attention to girls that are good-looking so i suppose that it helps. . . but if i would trust on my looks, if i would rely on them, i would be unbearable for myself. . .
is he saying he is cute? he IS.. but humm.. i guess i ain't cute.. didn't pay attention to me!! haa haa...
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well. there it is.. it's from and it's an interview of alfonso for ytmt... go read it...
okay.. these picts come from the ifc rant magazine... the one on the left is gael on the cover.. okay.. gael needs to really do away with the cutoff shirts... it just looks too.. well... tooo.. anyways...  the article just interviews gael and does a summary of the movie.. nuthing too new or interesting.. :) okay.. that's it for now..
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